Time: 13th January, 10:00
Speaker: Dr. Maciej Krajcarz
Title: Geoarchaeology of Chagyrskaya Cave--the easternmost Neanderthal site.
Abstract: Chagyrskaya Cave in Altai Mountains (southern Siberia) is one of three sites of the easternmost Neanderthals. This site yielded the largest number of Neanderthal skeletal remains and associated lithic artifacts in Altai. Excavations continuing since 2007 revealed complex stratigraphic situation: several strata contain Neanderthal remains and similar lithic assemblages. Moreover, some artifacts were found is a very old stratum dated to around 300 ka. These observations highlighted research problems, crucial for understanding the Neanderthal colonization of Altai: why are the archaeological assemblages repeated in several stratigraphic units? Why are there Middle Paleolithic artifacts in so early chronological context? Are these archaeological finds situated in their primary position? How can we date the assemblage(s)? In this talk, I present geological approach undertaken by our team to address these questions. I present the importance of field works (allostratigraphy and understanding of the architecture of sedimentary bodies) supported by general sedimentological analyses (such as grain size distribution) and followed by micromorphological investigation. The general overview of the Chagyrskaya Neanderthals and the newest discoveries will also be presented.
Dr. Maciej Krajcarz is a current fellow at the Center „Words, Bones, Genes, Tools“ and presents his current work at the ASHE Colloquium. For more info, see https://uni-tuebingen.de/fakultaeten/mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche-fakultaet/fachbereiche/geowissenschaften/arbeitsgruppen/urgeschichte-naturwissenschaftliche-archaeologie/ina/