The Academies Program is Germany’s largest funding program for the humanities. Its objective is to retrieve and explore cultural heritage, to make it accessible and highlight its relevance in the present and to preserve it for the future.
The program is coordinated by the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities. The Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences and the eight academies finance the program and review proposals. Program funding is targeted towards long-term basic research in the humanities (including law, economics and social sciences) and issues in between the humanities and natural sciences.
The program focuses on editions and dictionaries, especially in digital form.
All researchers in Germany are eligible to apply.
Program details
Budget: at least €120,000 per year, average €410,000 year
Duration: 12 to 25 years
Deadlines: The call for proposals is usually announced in the fall. A draft proposal must be submitted first and a full proposal may be invited if the draft is successful. The deadline for submission of the proposal to the supporting academy is usually January for projects starting two years later.
Important information
A preliminary consultation at the supporting academy is recommended.
Within the university, timely coordination with the faculty and the President’s Office is greatly appreciated.