
Service: Information and Advice on Diversity - Gender - Care

On this page, we provide information, advice and services on the topics of diversity, gender equality and care. Do you have a concern about discrimination or abusive behavior? Below you will find contacts, information and links. We also provide information on a wide range of other counseling services at the University of Tübingen.


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Gender- und Diversity Consulting for Collaborative Research Projects

We offer qualified, equality and diversity-related advice for Collaborative Research Projects. It is aimed at scientists who are in the planning phase for a collaborative research proposal or who are working in a responsible position in an existing research network.

Gender and Diversity Consulting

Advice offered by Team Equity

Questions on the Cross-Sectional and Management Mandate of Equality and Diversity

The Equal Opportunities Officer and her advisors in the area of gender and diversity offer advice on all issues relating to the cross-sectional mandate of equality and diversity. In addition to resolving specific concerns, the focus is on systematically identifying and addressing potentially discriminatory structures and on evidence-based approaches to improving equal opportunities. For example, HR managers in academic institutions and institutes receive advice on equal opportunities measures or structures or support in reflecting on bias - systematic cognitive errors that can lead to distortions in assessment and thus result in wrong decisions. University employees who would like to review structures or routines for discrimination risks in their area of responsibility can contact the Team Equity advisors for advice.

Information and Advice on Gender-related Conflicts or Discriminatory Situations

The Equal Opportunities Officer and her gender advisors offer initial advice in cases of sexual or gender-based discrimination, harassment or assault within the University of Tübingen.

The diversity officers provide advice, support and mediation in cases of disadvantage and discrimination, for example on the basis of ethnic origin, age, social and religious background, disability or sexual identity during studies and in the workplace.

Here you will find a compilation of information, helpful contacts and specialist offices at the university and in the region.

Advice and information about

sexual harassment

Advice and information about


Further advice (conflict) 

University and Region

Worth knowing: Looking for Questions, Information or Links?

Here you will find a compilation of external links on the subject of equity in science and further information and downloads.

We would like to particularly draw your attention to the background information on terms from the field of diversity

Specifically for families can be found here: Press-articels, Download Family

Further Links and Information


CEWS - Center of Excellence Women and Science:


The CEWS supports evidence-based science and gender equality policy and research and offers an extensive collection of materials and more.

The toolbox of the German Research Foundation (INKA), provided via the CEWS-STARQ portal, shows examples from practice for practice on the DFG's research-oriented gender equality standards. A focus on measures for gender-equitable appointment procedures as part of the self-declaration of the same name by the German Rectors' Conference has been newly established.


DFG Equity and Diversity


Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK):

The federal and state governments use a wide range of instruments in the GWK to pursue the goal of ensuring equal opportunities for women in higher education and non-university research. Among other things, the website offers information on the Women Professors Program and the download of updated data on women in higher education and non-university research institutions


Federal Statistical Office




Contact point for women in EU research:


European Institute for Gender Equality:


Gender Action:


Europäischer Forschungsraum: Gleichstellung der Geschlechter


Equity Handouts and Guidelines

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