
Applying for an Erasmus+ semester stay

The following steps are necessary for a successful application for an Erasmus+ semester stay.

The University of Tübingen is a member of the European University Alliance CIVIS. The same steps apply for a CIVIS semester stay.

1. Select a host university

Select your host university from the list below:

List of Erasmus+ partner universities and Departmental Coordinators

2. Application at the department

Approximately 12 to 15 months before the start of your planned stay abroad, please contact the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator of the respective department (see list in step 1) to discuss topics such as deadlines, application procedure and recognition.

As the number of Erasmus+ places is limited, the respective departments set selection criteria. These can be subject-specific knowledge, language skills, study plans, personal motivation, etc.

3. Application to the host university

After you have been selected for a place in the Erasmus+ program in your department in Tübingen, you will be nominated at the host university (by your Departmental Coordinator). Please note that the final decision on your admission or rejection will be made by the partner university. In most cases, however, nominations are accepted (as long as the agreed number of places for students is not exceeded). The host university will then contact you after the nomination deadline and ask you to register and apply via an online portal.

You are responsible for ensuring that your documents are complete. If in doubt, please contact your Departmental Coordinator.

The application documents for the host university usually consist of 3 parts:

4. Applying for the Erasmus+ grant

Your Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator will report your nomination to the Erasmus+ office of the International Office of the University of Tübingen. At the end of May or the end of October, you will receive an e-mail from the Erasmus+ office with the further application steps for the mobility grant. The email will contain the link to the mobility platform Mobility-Online.

The portal is open on the following dates:

For stays in the winter semester 24/25: 01.06.24 to 16.06.24 (registration), submission of documents by 01.07.24
For stays in the summer semester 25: to be announced

If you already receive another scholarship or do not require financial support, you must still apply for the stay abroad in Mobility-Online.

Erasmus+ student mobility

outgoingspam prevention@erasmus.uni-tuebingen.de
 +49 7071 29-76450
 +49 7071 29-77496
 Wilhelmstraße 9
     72074 Tübingen