
Administration of the President's Office

Dr. Valesca Baert-Knoll

Executive Personal Assistant to the President /
Head of Administration of the President`s Office

+49 7071 29-72510
buero-der-rektorinspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Madeline Gellhaus

Senior Assistant to the President's Office

 +49 7071 29-72546

buero-der-rektorinspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Melanie Mahler

Senior Assistant to the President's Office

+49 7071 29-72513

buero-der-rektorinspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Philipp Reichrath

Senior Assistant to the President's Office

+49 7071 29-72541

buero-der-rektorinspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Susanne Stoll

Senior Assistant to the President's Office

+49 7071 29-72541

buero-der-rektorinspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Martina Siller

Administrative Manager to the Executive Vice-President

 +49 7071 29-72503
martina.sillerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Street address

University of Tübingen
Bureau of the President's Office
Wilhelmstraße 5
72074 Tübingen
Alte Botanik building

Mailing address

University of Tübingen
Bureau of the President's Office
D-72072 Tübingen