
Open Science at University of Tübingen

The term Open Science bundles [...] strategies and procedures that all aim to [...] make all components of the scientific process openly accessible and reusable via the Internet. This is intended to open up new opportunities for science, society and business in dealing with scientific findings.

Mission Statement Open Science AG, 2014

Basic principles of Open Science

The basic principles of Open Science are:

  • transparency
  • reproducibility
  • reusability
  • open communication

Open Science thus contributes to safeguarding good scientific practice, promotes the transfer of knowledge to society and the economy, enables a more transparent research process and increases the quality assurance of scientific work.

Tübingen's path to Open Science

The University of Tübingen supports Open Science. With the Open-Access-Policy adopted in 2013, the University is committed to ensuring free and unhindered access to the research results of its scientists for all people as part of its social responsibility. In line with the recommendations of the German Rectors' Conference, the Research Data Alliance and the e-science strategy of the state of Baden-Württemberg, the University of Tübingen supports the responsible and sustainable handling of research data and has set this out in its guidelines on research data management since 2017.

The guidelines for safeguarding good scientific practice and the guidelines for dealing with intellectual property (IPR policy) are fundamental to the Open Science Policy adopted in 2024.

Tübingen Open Science Initiative

As a grassroots initiative spanning several faculties, the Tübingen Open Science Initiative (TOSI) plays a pioneering role in the discipline-specific organisation of Open Science practices.


Open Science Policy

The facilities of the University of Tübingen support “Open Science” in order to make research findings openly accessible and reusable.

to Policy

Aspects of Open Science

The Open Science Policy includes recommendations for action and supporting structures at the University of Tübingen on various aspects of Open Science.


Research Data Management
Public Engagement
Open Methodology
Open Educational Resources
Open Access
Open Communication
Open Source
Research Assessment

Central contact persons

Dr. Anke Scholz

Head of Research Support Department

anke.scholzspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
+49 7071 29-75032

Regine Tobias

Director of the University Library

regine.tobiasspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
+49 7071 29-72505