
Studying when you have a child

This presents some special challenges. The information listed below can help you to manage your family duties alongside your studies.

Studying when you have a Child

Parental Leave

All working mothers and fathers have the right to take parenting leave.

The law allows for parenting leave in total of 3 years; parents may also take (unpaid) leave of absence from work to care for their children. If you receive parental benefit, it will not be affected by parenting leave. Parents may take up to 24 months of parenting leave between the child’s 3rd and 8th birthdays. The employer’s consent is not required.

Parenting leave may be divided up per parent in three time periods. However the third parenting leave period may be refused by an employer with good operational reasons, if it falls between the child’s third and eighth birthdays. If parents wish to work part-time during their parenting leave, the employer is deemed to have approved the application if it is not rejected within a set time.

If the child to be cared for is younger than three, employers must be notified of parenting leave seven weeks prior to its beginning; thereafter the notification period is 13 weeks.

The relevant law Elternzeitgesetz may also apply to minimal employment (minijobs). This must be determined case by case.

Enrollment procedures

In order to help students meet both study and family comittments, the University of Tübingen offers a number of options for family-friendly organization.

Students with children or relatives in need of care have to use their time differently from students who do not have such comittments. To ensure equal opportunities, the Landeshochschulgesetz provides for disadvantage compensation for this group of students. § 2(3) states that it is the universities’ duty to make allowance for students with duties to their families and their particular needs.

Further details here:

The Student Parents' Forum

The Student Parents' Forum is offered by the Working Group Family-Friendly University of the Tübingen Student Council

Regardless of whether you have already started your studies with a child, become pregnant during your studies or your child has just been born, you will always be confronted with a number of challenges.

The AK is your point of contact for family issues. We want to provide information, point out opportunities and overcome challenges together.

The exchange with other student parents is important to us. That's why there are regular meetings every semester where you can talk directly to other parents and make contacts.

These are in the winter semester 24/25:


    Tuesday 12 November 2024 at 16:45 (joint lantern walk, meeting point in front of the lecture hall center on the Morgenstelle)
    Saturday December 14, 2024 at 3-6 p.m.
    Saturday March 1, 2025 at 3-6 p.m.

We meet at "elkiko" in the Lorettoareal, Lilli-Zapf-Str. 17, 72072 Tübingen.

The AK Family-Friendly University takes care of the concerns of student parents and can also provide advice on problems.

If you have any interests, ideas, questions, suggestions or requests, simply contact us.

We also welcome students who would like to become active in the AK themselves. Simply come along to one of our events or write to us.

Click here to go to the network studying medicine with children in Tübingen on facebook.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Studying abroad when you have a child

It is possible to do part of your studies abroad even if you have a child. It does take a lot of careful organization, but time abroad is usually a great experience. Semesters spent abroad can be an additional qualification as well as a trove of useful experience when you launch your career.

The University of Tübingen answers general questions on studies abroad or an industrial placement abroad. Contact International Affairs. Here you can get information on exchange programs and University of Tübingen exchange partnerships.

Students who have a child and would like to study abroad should get advice before making their application. Consultation on exchanges: (Tues + Thurs, 9am-12 noon) will help you prepare your stay abroad.

For Asia, Australia/ New Zealand
Frau Franziska Waschek, - Tel. 29 77736 - franziska.waschek@uni-tuebingen.de

For Europe
Frau Dr. Kordula Glander, - Tel. 29 77732 - k.glander@uni-tuebingen.de

For North America, Latin America, South Afrika, Botswana
Nicole Sauer, - Tel. 29 77733 - nicole.sauerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

For Russia, Israel
Dr. Antonino Spinelli, - Tel. 29 77490- antonino.spinelli@zv.uni-tuebingen.de

For Africa (without South Afrika und Botswana)
Christian Möllmann, - Tel. 29 77752 - christian.moellmann@uni-tuebingen.de

Special information about studying abroad when you have a child may be obtained here:


Higher funding rates for Erasmus programs

Higher funding rates for Erasmus programs also for students with special needs.




Taking a Semester Off

Taking a Semester Off

If you need to take a semester of leave, you must apply to Student Administration. You may only take full semesters of leave; in the cases listed above, you may also apply during the semester. You can get information on the deadlines and the necessary forms at Student Administration. This link takes you to Student Administration.

Please ensure that meet all regulations regarding the duration of your studies so that you are not disadvantaged when it comes to registering for your exams. Check with your subject-specific counselor or administration.

You must be enrolled to complete your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. There may be other rules if you are doing a Staatsexamen. Ask your examinations office.

If you take a long break from your studies, it is recommended that you seek subject-related counselling so that you can retain an overview of any changes which take place in your department.

Details here on Financing for studies when you have a child and must take leave of absence.

Leave of absence due to pregnancy/ maternity protection

Leave of absence from studies due to maternity protection is regulated in the state higher education law, Landeshochschulgesetz § 61(3), in accordance with § 3(1) and § 6(1) of the maternity protection law (MuSchG), as amended. That means:

A student may take leave of absence upon presentation of a doctor’s certificate confirming that she is pregnant. The doctor’s certificate should indicate that continuing her studies as normal could present a health risk to the mother and child.

Leave of absence under the maternity protection law and the law guaranteeing parenting leave is subject to a number of special provisions:

Leave of absence due to parental leave

Leave of absence from studies due to parenting leave is regulated in the state higher education law, Landeshochschulgesetz § 61(3), in accordance with § 15(1-3) of the parenting leave law (BEEG), as amended. That means:

After the birth of their child, students female or male may apply for leave of absence up to the legal duration of parenting leave, that is, until the child’s third birthday (6 semesters in total). Both parents may take parenting leave at the same time. The duration of parenting leave is not affected. For births up to and including 30 June 2015 you may delay up to two semesters of parenting leave and take them at a later date, providing you have taken them before your child’s 8th birthday. For births on or after 1 July 2015 you may delay up to 24 months (4 semesters) of parenting leave, providing you have taken them before your child’s 8th birthday.

If you have an adoptive or foster child, you may take parenting leave of 3 years total after taking in the child, providing you have taken the leave by the child’s 8th birthday.

Leave of absence under the law guaranteeing parenting leave and the maternity protection law is subject to a number of special provisions:

Leave to care for your sick child

Even after taking leave of absence due to parenting leave, you may nevertheless take further free semesters in cases of hardship, for instance, if you must care for a sick child; this is provided for in the Landeshochschulgesetz § 61(1) under “leave of absence for good cause.”

Up to two free semesters may usually be taken for a good reason.

You may not complete coursework or assessment during these free semesters.

Leave due to sickness of child’s parent or legal guardian

Students who are prevented from carrying out regular studies due to illness may take leave of absence under Landeshochschulgesetz § 61(1), which provides for leave of absence for good cause.

Up to two free semesters may usually be taken for a good reason.

You may not complete coursework or assessment during these free semesters.

Leave due to relative in need of care

Under § 61(3) Landeshochschulgesetz students may take leave for the period in which they need to care for a relative (under § 7(3) PflegeZG), if this person is in need of care as defined in the Eleventh Book of the Sozialgesetzbuch §§ 14 and 15, or put briefly, is in at least the level of required care Pflegestufe I.

Furthermore, being with a close relative in his or her final phase of life is taken into account as a reason for absence.

How is a “close relative” defined under the laws (PflegeZG and FPfZG)?

In addition a child under 18 which is in need of care and is cared for outside of the household is to be taken into account, as set out in the Pflegetzeitgesetz.

The required documentation is a certificate from the health insurer like the one issued to employees who make use of leave periods for care-giving under § 3 PflegeZG or a clearly formulated doctor’s certificate.

Leave of absence for care-giving is, like leave for parenting and maternity, subject to a number of special provisions:


Maternity Benefit

Maternity benefit is a wage replacement benefit. In Germany, it is paid 6 weeks before and 8 weeks after the birth. In the case of multiple births, up to 12 weeks after the birth. Students are entitled to maternity benefit if they are still employed at the beginning of the maternity protection period or if their employment relationship was terminated by the employer during the pregnancy or if the employment relationship only begins after the start of the protection period.

If you are a member of a statutory health insurance fund, you must apply for maternity benefit directly from your health insurance fund. You must also enclose the doctor's certificate stating the expected date of delivery.

You can find more information here:

Parental Allowance for Students

The requirements for entitlement to parental allowance result from § 1 Bundeselterngesetz (BEEG).
The following is important for students:

You can find more information here: Elterngeld rundum


Students can receive „Elterngeld Plus“ as well. For more information and a quick overview you can take a look here:  Broschüre in englischer Sprache.

The Amount of Parental Allowance

The amount and calculation of the parental allowance is based in particular on § 2 BEEG. Parental allowance amounts to a minimum of 300 euros and a maximum of 1,800 euros. It is calculated on the basis of income before the birth and is generally 67% of average earnings in the year before the birth. This percentage is increased for low earners, for example student assistants. There is a multiple child bonus and a surcharge of 10% for siblings under the age of three, see § 2a BEEG.

General information for families residing or working outside Germany:

Informationen der L-Bank zum Elterngeld für Familien mit Wohnsitz oder Erwerbstätigkeit außerhalb Deutschlands.

Information in English:

The ElterngeldPlus with partnership bonus and more flexible parental leave
Parental allowance

Erklärfilm Elterngeld finden Sie hier unter Parental Allowance

Child Benefit

The birth of a child gives rise to an entitlement to child benefit, which is paid regardless of the parents' income. From the age of 18, child benefit is only paid under certain conditions up to the age of 25.

Foreign nationals living in Germany can only receive child benefit if they have a valid settlement permit. In some cases, a residence permit is also sufficient.

Child benefit is paid monthly in the amount of € 250 per child (from 2025 in the amount of € 255 per child).

Payment is made to the person in whose care the child is. If both parents live with the child in the same household, they must decide which of them should receive the child benefit. Grandparents can also receive child benefit, provided they live in the same household and the parents agree to the transfer. This procedure has advantages if the grandparents also receive child benefit for other children (three or more) in the household, because the grandchild is then counted as an additional child.

Child benefit is regarded as the children's own income and is offset against other benefits (ALG II). It is not taken into account when calculating BAföG and parental allowance.
Child benefit must be applied for in writing and is paid by the family benefits office of the employment office or, in the case of employment in the public sector, by the employer.

When submitting an application to the responsible family benefits office, a processing time of approx. 1 to 1.5 months should be expected. In order to keep the processing time as short as possible and to receive the child benefit payments as quickly as possible, it is advisable to submit the application for child benefit in good time. The application can be submitted before the birth, but will only be valid if the birth certificate is submitted after the birth. Child benefit is granted from the month of birth, even if the application is submitted later. The entitlement to child benefit for the previous period expires after 6 months. Child benefit is granted for each month in which the conditions were met for at least one day of the month.

More Information on child benefit: www.familienkasse.de or www.bzst.de

Child Supplement

Child supplement is aimed at parents who can cover their own needs through their own income, but who would not be able to cover their child's needs without the child supplement.

Parents receive a child supplement of up to €185 per child per month if

The child benefit supplement is granted for 6 months.

Important: If the child supplement is approved, parents are also entitled to education and participation benefits - such as free lunch at daycare and school or the school supplies package amounting to €150 per school year. In addition, no daycare center fees have to be paid.

Housing benefit, child benefit and child supplement are not taken into account. The monthly income, such as gross income from employment, BAföG support, maintenance payments, parental allowance, sickness benefit, etc., must reach this minimum limit in total.

At the same time, the income and assets to be taken into account must not exceed the maximum income limit. The maximum income limit for the receipt of child supplement is made up of the parental requirements as defined by the regulations on unemployment benefit II and the percentage share of housing costs (assessment limit), as well as the total child supplement.

Kinderzuschlag (KiZ) Digital is an online application assistant developed by the Family Benefits Office on behalf of the BMFSFJ. Parents can use it at www.kinderzuschlag.de to determine - in just a few steps - whether the basic requirements for the KiZ are met. The application can then be submitted online.

More Information here: Seite der ArbeitsagenturBundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend  Kindergrundsicherung


Financing Studying Abroad with a Child

Finanzierungs- und Förderungsmöglichkeiten

Important: This year, for the first time, the selection criteria for the Baden Württemberg Scholarship for students who wish to study abroad (overseas) will take into account students with unavoidable impairments or life circumstances such as family responsibilities: Auswahlkriterien des Baden Württemberg Stipendiums


BAföG - Extension of the Basic Support/ BAföG Childcare Supplement

Extension of the Basic Support for Raising Children

If you are eligible for BAföG, pregnancy and child-raising allow you to extend your basic funding beyond the maximum funding period. This support is granted as a grant that does not have to be repaid. As child-rearing is taken into account up to the age of 10, up to seven additional semesters can be granted due to child-rearing:

This benefit can be shared between both parents who are studying. In this case, the parents must submit a declaration on how the childcare was divided between them.

In addition, children are taken into account when calculating BAföG and when repaying it by granting certain allowances.

BAföG Childcare Supplement

In principle, a childcare allowance can be granted to students who live in a household with at least one child of their own who has not yet reached the age of ten. The supplement amounts to 130 euros per month per child. It is only granted to one parent for the same period. If both parents are entitled to the allowance in accordance with this law and live in the same household, they must decide between themselves who is entitled to the allowance.

More Informatin here Homepage des BaföG-Amts
or at the örtliche Niederlassung:

BAföG-Amt Standort Reutlingen
Listplatz 1
72764 Reutlingen

Tel.: 07172 / 69 0 88 - 0

Personal Consultation:
Dienstag von 13 - 15.30 Uhr
Donnerstag von 9 - 11:30 Uhr

And at the  BAföG-InfoPoints at Mensa Wilhelmstraße and at Mensa Morgenstelle in Tübingen.