At the university city of Tübingen, there are a variety of childcare programs during for school-aged children during school breaks. Early registration is recommended.
The programs offered by different providers range from hourly activities to full-day events and week-long holiday programs.
Not all providers offer programs during every holiday period, and in some cases, residency in the Tübingen district or city is required for participation. Registration for holiday programs takes place directly through the respective provider.
Holders of the KinderCard/KreisBonuscard-Junior can usually receive a discount or, in some cases, full coverage of the program costs.
Below is an overview of various holiday programs available for school children:
List of Holiday Programs
CVJM Tübingen – Programs in almost all Baden-Württemberg school holidays, including camps in Tübingen, Germany, and abroad.
d.a.i. (German-American Institute Tübingen) – Language courses (half-day) during autumn, carnival, Easter, Pentecost, and summer holidays. Language trips (domestic and international) during Pentecost and summer holidays.
Evangelical Youth Organization Lustnau – Summer tent camp, full-day program for children aged 8–12.
Evangelical Waldheim Spatzennest e.V. – Summer holiday camps, half-day and full-day programs for children and teenagers aged 5–16.
Family Education Center Tübingen – Day and weekly courses, half-day and full-day, in all Baden-Württemberg school holidays.
Institut Français Tübingen – Language courses (half-day) during autumn and Easter holidays.
Kindersommer-Mühlbachbande – Unfortunately, this program will not take place again this year.
City of Tübingen – Full-day holiday care for elementary school children during Easter, Pentecost, summer, autumn, and Christmas holidays.
Werkstadthaus, Französisches Viertel – Courses (half-day) during all Baden-Württemberg school holidays, except Christmas.
TSG Holiday Sports Camps – Full-day activity-based holiday courses during Easter, Pentecost, summer, and autumn holidays.
City Museum Tübingen – Half-day programs during Pentecost and summer holidays.
Circus Zambaioni – Summer holiday program.
TVD Derendingen Holiday Camps – Full-day activity-based holiday courses during Easter, Pentecost, summer, and autumn holidays.
Tü-Kiss (Children’s Sports Sch Tübingen) – A non-profit sports association promoting motor skill development, offering sports camps for children aged 6–10.
Pixel – A facility under the University City of Tübingen’s Department of Youth Work.
Children’s Sports Week 2024 – Organized by the Institute for Sports Science in cooperation with the Equity-Care team. The next Children's Sports Week will take place from August 4–8, 2025. Further information will be provided in due course.
Additional Information
Some Tübingen sports clubs also offer holiday programs for their members. Please check directly with the clubs for more details.
Holders of the KinderCard/KreisBonuscard-Junior are eligible for a discounted seasonal swimming pool pass for €17 per year.
To obtain a seasonal pass, a passport-sized photo of the child is required.