When you are seeking external funding for research projects in any funding format that as part of the application process requires the signature of the University management, you must observe the following:
Applications must be submitted to the IFK (International Research Cooperation) in good time, no later than 4 weeks before the funding institution’s deadline, in order to ensure that the content and form of the application can be checked. Draft applications can also be sent to the IFK beforehand and at an early planning stage, to help optimize support for the research project.
For proposals that do not require the signature of University management but are expected to incur follow-up costs (such as required basic equipment, temporary staffing issues, etc.), the IFK team should also be contacted at the earliest possible time prior to submission.
We refer in all other respects to the President’s Office resolution dated 31.10.2018 regarding the regulations for the submission of third-party funding applications.