

Earthquakes in Syria and Turkiye: A Message From President Karla Pollmann

University of Tübingen President Professor Karla Pollmann extends sympathy to University of Tübingen alums and the University of Tübingen community.

Dear Alums,

I am writing to express my deepest condolences to those in Germany and abroad who have been affected by the earthquakes that struck Syria and Turkiye on 6 February 2023.

Our thoughts go out to all alums living in the regions, members of the Tübingen University community who have family and friends in the affected areas, and all our colleagues and cooperation partners. The news of the destruction and loss of life has left us all feeling saddened and shocked.

As members of a global community, it is our duty to reach out to one another in times of crisis. While the University is not collecting funds directly, we would like to direct your attention to the donation campaign of the German-Turkish Forum Stuttgart Association. The German-Turkish Forum Stuttgart Association, a cooperation partner of the Museum of the University of Tübingen in the Troy project, is collecting funds to support relief efforts in the affected areas in Syria and Turkiye.

Donations can be made to the following account:
Account holder: Deutsch-Türkisches Forum Stuttgart
IBAN DE91 6009 0100 0225 7860 28
Payment reference: Donation Earthquake/ your name and address*/ UT alums

For further information about the donation campaign, please click here to reach the homepage of the Museum of the University of Tübingen (currently only available in German), visit the homepage of the German-Turkish Forum Stuttgart Association here (available in Turkish and German) or contact the alumni relations team at alumnispam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de.

With deepest sympathy,


Professor Dr. Karla Pollmann
President of the University of Tübingen

*Requirement to receive a donation receipt issued by the German-Turkish Forum Stuttgart Association.


