Academic Affairs


Future Thrills at the 20th anniversary celebration of Forum SQ

The University of Tübingen co-founded the Baden-Württemberg Key Qualifications Forum (SQ) 20 years ago. A reason to celebrate, reflect and think ahead.

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What was new 20 years ago is now indispensable: key qualifications, also known as interdisciplinary competencies or future skills, are now simply part and parcel of studying at the University of Tübingen.  

In the context of the Bologna Process, the Key Qualifications Forum was founded in 2004 by the universities of Freiburg, Mannheim and Tübingen. At that time, all nine state universities committed themselves to jointly promote and shape the process of introducing key qualifications as an expert group.  

Much has been achieved since then, as was impressively demonstrated at the anniversary celebration in Mannheim on July 18, 2024. While the focus in the early years was on communication, presentation techniques, conflict management, etc., today topics such as digitalization, artificial intelligence and global awareness also play an important role. As a result, the courses on offer to students have been and continue to be continuously developed over the years.  

In her keynote speech "Future Thrills: Positive Psychology as a Key Qualification in Times of Transformation", Professor Dr. Michaela Brohm-Badry offered a new perspective on the development of key qualifications. Ms. Brohm-Badry is Professor of Empirical Teaching-Learning Research and Didactics at the University of Trier and, among other things, President of the German Society for Positive Psychological Research (DGPPF). She invited young people to bring out their strengths. Motivation and well-being are important prerequisites for shaping the future, and a positive attitude towards life provides stability in "wild times". Facing life with a zest for life is an important resource of human existence and a strong success factor in professional contexts. Current research findings also provide convincing suggestions for academic (further) education in order to stimulate learners and enrich our own lives with positive energy. The keynote offered impulses from positive psychology and neuroscience for more cheerfulness, resilience and vitality in a life full of joie de vivre. 

At the University of Tübingen, we promote students' strengths with our interdisciplinary education and career orientation courses (TRACS). We create a motivating and supportive environment in which students can individually discover, reflect on and develop their skills. This enables them to develop their full potential over the course of their studies, make a successful start to their careers and shape science, business and society as responsible players.  

You can find all information about our programs at 
