Academic Affairs


Into the wild: observing alpine nature through lenses of art and science

In May 2023 Global Awareness Education organized an excursion that led the participants into the alpines for five days. Anyone could participate, regardless of disciplines and levels. Only the affinity to being outside and an interest in art making were desirable.

Under the guidance of Dr. Inka Koch, an environmental scientist and Angharad Dean, an artist in residence at the University of Tübingen, the participants should acquire knowledge on the state of pristine alpine environments of the Earth through the applied example of an Austrian alpine Ecosystem.
The biggest learning of this excursion was reflecting on the interconnectivity and climatic vulnerability of alpine nature, based on scientific and artistic observations.
The combination of physically observing wild nature and the impacts of climate change on this system with expressing these impressions through art is, what made this excursion so special. Besides that, the interactions with an interdisciplinary audience were very enriching.
The learning methods on this excursion were very practical but also based on communication. The group did field excursions but also group discussions and reflections. Outside scientific and artistic observation exercises, as well as inside art making, including printing, painting, drawing and collage were also part of it.
The participants really enjoyed the connection to inspiring nature, creating art, and spending time with an interdisciplinary group.
