Academic Affairs


Workshop Series "Professional Time- and Self-Management in Studies" - a complete Success

As part of the project funding of the state of Baden-Württemberg to support pandemic-induced learning delays, TRACS offered the workshop series "Professional Time and Self-Management in Studies" from April 2022 to September 2023.

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The workshops conducted by Sabine Sambeth reached almost 700 students of all disciplines. Especially students who, due to the pandemic, had difficulties with self-organization, not only during the examination phases, were addressed by this workshop series. In the various workshops, the participants learned science-based facts, the basics of functional stress management and various backgrounds and methods for successful self-management. In an interactive and process-oriented manner, the participants were able to apply them based on their very personal challenges. In addition to the individual reflection, the students were able to openly exchange ideas in groups, two-to-one discussions or in the plenary, which led to many positive feedback: “Finally something concrete to apply directly! Great that the workshop is taking place; only to recommend!”.
