
Individual counseling and offers for international students (degree-seeking)

The following offer is directed at regularly enrolled students (degree-seeking) at the University of Tübingen. Exchange students please contact the Exchange Student Service Center (ESSC).

Prospective students and applicants who have questions about the requirements for a degree program, please contact the Admissions office for international students (e-mail: studyspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de)

Dear international students,

The Student Counseling Service is there for you throughout your studies. We support you at the beginning and during all stages of your study program. We offer you a wide range of events, guidance materials, and of course individual counseling.

We are a neutral service and will always treat your situation as confidential; i.e. the counseling is subject to professional discretion.

We offer individual advice on topics such as
  • settling into student life in Germany
  • study organization and study planning
  • motivation problems, excessive workload
  • handling personally challenging situations while studying
  • learning difficulties
  • conflicts during your studies
  • financial issues
  • examination preparation
  • ...

Susanne Held (M.A.)
Wilhelmstraße 19, room 3.20
72074 Tübingen
+49 7071 29 76828
susanne.heldspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 


Dr. Kieran Tsitsiklis
Wilhelmstraße 19, room 3.20
72074 Tübingen
+49 7071 29 76828
kieran.tsitsiklisspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de

Counseling without an appointment / Open office hours
Tue, Wed & Fri: 10.30 - 12.00 h

Counseling with appointment (face-to-face, video, phone)
by appointment via e-mail:
zsbspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 
susanne.heldspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de (Mon-Thu) 
kieran.tsitsiklisspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de (Fri)


You can find answers to many frequently asked questions in our FAQ list for international students.

How to manage my studies:

Events and workshops specifically on academic skills

Many international students have completed their first degree at a different university. Due to cultural differences, some learning and studying techniques or methodological approaches may be new to you. For this reason, we offer events in which you can discover and explore some essential academic working techniques. Last but not least, these events and workshops offer you a good opportunity to exchange ideas and make contacts with other students.

These events are aimed at all international students who want to find their way around the academic culture in Germany and are looking for new learning strategies, no matter what stage of your studies you are in.

All of these events are free of charge for all students.

We currently offer courses on the following topics:

  • Time management and semester planning
  • Critical thinking
  • Learning techniques
  • Structured and efficient reading
  • Exam preparation
  • ...

The schedule for the current semester can be found on the website How to manage your studies.

It is also possible to arrange a personal consultation on any of the above topics, e.g. if you cannot attend the events due to time constraints.


Lisa Priester-Lasch (M.A.)
Wilhelmstraße 19, room 3.27
72074 Tübingen
+49 7071 29-77165
lisa.priester-laschspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de

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