Before applying, please make sure that the relevant faculty at the University of Tuebingen has contacted the team International Admissions studyspam or Judith Kausch-Zongo judith.kausch-zongospam via e-mail to confirm your stay.
To apply, please select the following in the ALMA portal:
- *Your desired study program is: Application/ enrollment without any degree goal
- *Degree: Vorbereitung Promotion
- *Subject: Vorbereitung Promotion [Please insert the faculty]
- *In which semester do you want to start studying: 1. semester
- *Type of admission: No admission restriction/ number of places not limited
In case you received an admission, you have to submit these documents either by post or by e-mail to the Studierendensekretariat/Student Administration to enroll:
- The filled and signed application form for enrollment as a doctoral student
- A copy of your passport
- A current photo
- A health insurance verification
- If you have already studied in Germany: Exmatriculation certificate from other German university/universities