
Application procedure for CIVIS BIP

Follow the steps below to make your CIVIS BIP application a success:

1. Attending an information event

Attend an Erasmus+ information event and arrange a consultation with the Erasmus coordinator of the relevant department. Clarify with the subject coordinators at the University of Tübingen whether recognition of your achievements is possible and what the procedure is.

2. Selection of the CIVIS BIP

Click on the desired BIP in the CIVIS course catalog and submit your application within the application deadline. You may apply for a maximum of 2 BIP courses!

3. Evaluation of your application

Lecturers from the BIPs (Program Coordinators) and the Erasmus team will evaluate your application.

4. Submission of the required documents

If you are accepted, the International Office of the University of Tübingen will then send you all the necessary Erasmus+ documents.

You must submit the following Erasmus+ documents on time and in full:

BEFORE your stay

  • Personal and study details
  • Learning Agreement: must contain the signatures of you, the subject coordinator at the University of Tübingen and the subject coordinator at the partner university
  • Grant Agreement: must be signed by you twice by hand in paper form and submitted to the International Office
  • Optional: Honorary declaration of social top-up
  • Optional: Honorary declaration for the Green Mobility Top Up


DURING your stay:

  • Confirmation of Attendance: only valid with signature and stamp of the partner university


AFTER your stay:

  • Field report
  • EU-Survey (online survey): the link will be sent automatically by the EU Commission
  • Transcript of Records (data transcript sheet) of the coursework completed at the partner university
  • Optional: Certificate of recognition 



  • If you are participating in two BIPs, you must submit all documents in duplicate
  • As a "zero-grant" participant, you must also submit all documents
  • General information from the University of Tübingen on the Erasmus+ Programm



civis.mobilityspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
 +49 7071 29-72126
  Wilhelmstraße 9
     72074 Tübingen