
Exchange programs with North America

U.S. and Canada

The University of Tübingen maintains exchange relationships with more than 110 American and Canadian universities. A total of approximately 100-120 tuition-free spots per year are available for Tübingen students.

Generally, a tuition waiver has been agreed upon with these partners for all participants in these programs. However, some universities charge "Cultural Activities Fees" or other fees comparable to our semester fees, which cannot be waived.

Semesters in the U.S. and Canada

The fall semester (winter semester) begins in August or September and ends at the end of December.

The spring semester (summer semester) begins in early January and usually ends in mid-May.

Living Expenses

You will need to cover your own living expenses (books, health insurance, travel expenses, rent, travel during your stay, etc.).

The average monthly financial burden is approximately US $1,500 to US $2,000 (depending on the region).

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