
International profile

The University of Tübingen fosters bilateral and multilateral relations with research and exchange partners around the world. Internationalization in research is one of our key concerns. It is also part of our institutional strategy, funded by the German government's Excellence Strategy program. In late 2021, the University adopted its international strategy, "Raising Global Awareness". It sets out the most important goals and priorities for five years to come and puts them in the context of previous developments.

International Strategy of the University of Tübingen (PDF)

Research location

Tübingen is a unique research location with a long-standing tradition and a high density of top-level research institutions in very close proximity. Together with the University and the University Hospitals, the local research institutions offer an ideal environment for internationally renowned research.

Study and research Tübingen

The University of Tübingen provides a wide variety of services and an attractive environment for students and researchers alike.

International in Tübingen

At the same time, the University’s extraordinary network of international partners offers students from Tübingen a wide range of options for first-hand international experiences through stays abroad. In addition, internationally oriented study programmes and a range of courses taught in foreign languages that is constantly being expanded especially at Master’s and doctoral level, also provide students with the opportunity of experiencing an international environment in Tübingen.


Prof. Dr. Monique Scheer
Vice-President for International Affairs and Diversity 

international.officespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
 University management website

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