Die Universität Tübingen besetzt im Rahmen ihres über den BMBF-Qualitätspakt geförderten Projekts "Erfolgreich studieren in Tübingen" zum 01.10.2011 befristet auf 5 Jahre
Gegenstand des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und der Aufbau einer Praktikumsbörse für alle Fächer und einer Masterbörse zur Einstellung wissenschaftlicher Abschlussarbeiten in den Naturwissenschaften. die Organisation von Veranstaltungsreihen zu Berufs- und Karrierewegen sowie Informationstagen.
Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehören im Besonderen die
Einstellungsvoraussetzung ist ein überdurchschnittlich abgeschlossenes Universitätsstudium (Diplom, Magister, Master) vorzugsweise aus dem Fächerspektrum der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen, der Philosophischen bzw. der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, an denen die Stellen verankert sind.
Vorausgesetzt werden zudem vertiefte Datenbankkenntnisse, sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, Erfahrung im Projektmanagement
Die Stellen sind grundsätzlich in Teilzeit zu besetzen. Bitte geben Sie in Ihrer Bewerbung Ihre Präferenzen in Bezug auf Umfang, Tätigkeitschwerpunkte und Fakultät an. Im Rahmen des Projekts ist eine Promotion in verschiedenen Fachrichtungen möglich.
Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.
Ihre vollständige Bewerbung richten Sie bitte unter Angabe der Kennziffer CS/PB bis zum 19. August 2011 an: Universität Tübingen, Dez. II/6, Studium und Lehre / Sekretariat, Wilhelmstr. 11, 72074 Tübingen. Für nähere Informationen steht Ihnen Frau Sylvia Kieselbach unter Tel.: 07071/2977140 gerne zur Verfügung (oder in Vertretung Dr. Thomas von Schell unter Tel.: 07071/2977138).
BackOur website uses cookies. Some of them are mandatory, while others allow us to improve your user experience on our website. The settings you have made can be edited at any time.
Required to save the user selection of the cookie settings.
3 months
Required for the TYPO3 backend login to determine the time of the last login.
3 months
This cookie tells the website whether a visitor is logged into the TYPO3 backend and has the rights to manage it.
Browser session
These cookies are set to always direct the user to the same server.
Browser session
Enables frontend login.
Browser session
Used to show all third-party contents.
3 months
Is used to display YouTube videos.
Is used to determine the optimal video quality based on the visitor's device and network settings.
Saves the settings of the user's video player using embedded YouTube video.
Saves the settings of the user's video player using embedded YouTube video.
Collects data about visitors' interaction with the site's video content - This data is used to make the site's video content more relevant to the visitor.
Is used to save volume preferences for YouTube videos.
Is used to save the quality settings for YouTube videos.
Saves the settings of the user's video player using embedded YouTube video.
Browser session
Saves the settings of the user's video player using embedded YouTube video.
Browser session
Saves the settings of the user's video player using embedded YouTube video.
Browser session
Saves the user settings when retrieving a YouTube video integrated on other web pages
Browser session
Saves user settings when retrieving integrated YouTube videos.
Browser session
Used for targeting purposes to profile the interests of website visitors in order to display relevant and personalized Google advertising.
2 years
Google Maps - Google uses these cookies to store user preferences and information when you view pages with Google Maps.
1 month
Used to store information about how you use the site and what advertisements you saw before visiting this site, and to customize advertising on Google resources by remembering your recent searches, your previous interactions with an advertiser's ads or search results, and your visits to an advertiser's site.
6 months
This cookie is used to support Google's advertising services.
1 month
Used for targeting purposes to profile the interests of website visitors in order to display relevant and personalized Google advertising.
2 years
Used for targeting purposes to profile the interests of website visitors in order to display relevant and personalized Google advertising.
6 months
Includes encrypted entries of your Google account and last login time to protect against attacks and data theft from form entries.
2 years
Used for security purposes to store digitally signed and encrypted records of a user's Google Account ID and last login time, enabling Google to authenticate users, prevent fraudulent use of login credentials, and protect user data from unauthorized parties. This may also be used for targeting purposes to display relevant and personalized advertising content.
6 months
This cookie stores information about user settings and information for Google Maps.
3 months
The NID cookie contains a unique ID that Google uses to store your preferences and other information.
6 months
This cookie tracks how you use a website to show you advertisements that may be of interest to you.
18 years
This cookie is used to support Google's advertising services.
2 years
This cookie is used to support Google's advertising services.
6 months
This cookie is used to support Google's advertising services.
6 months