
Emmy Noether Junior Research Groups

The Emmy Noether Programme gives exceptionally qualified early career researchers the chance to qualify for a university professorship by leading an independent junior research group. The groups are funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for a period of six years.

Current Emmy Noether Groups

Biochemical and mechanistc analysis of inflammasomes, the key proteins in chronic inflammation (L. Andreeva)

Group head: Dr. Liudmila Andreeva, Faculty of Medicine / iFIT Cluster of Excellence

Duration: 2023-2029

Liudmila Andreeva's homepage

Socially-relevant pragmatic inference (A. Achimova)

Group head: Dr. Asya Achimova, linguistics / neuro-cognitive modeling

Duration: 2023-2029

Asya Achimova's homepage

Resource-Efficient Bayesian Machine Learning (R. Bamler)

Group head: Prof. Dr. Robert Bamler, Department of Computer Science – Data Science and Machine Learning

Duration: 2021-2027

Robert Bamler's homepage

Quantifying ice-ocean interactions with geophysical observations and modelling (R. Drews)

Group head: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Drews, Department of Geoscience – Geophysics

Duration: 2018-2024

Homepage of the Geophysics work group

Reaching for life in the distant past – deciphering the geobiology of modern and ancient hydrothermal sulfides (J. Duda)

Group head: Prof. Dr. Jan Duda, Department of Geoscience - Sedimentology & Organic Geochemistry

Duration: 2020-2026

Jan Duda's homepage

Rhythmic Building Blocks of Human Attention: How Network Oscillations Link Perception and Action (R. Helfrich)

Group head: Dr. Randolph Helfrich, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (HIH) 

Duration: 2020-2026

Randolph Helfrich's homepage

Deciphering molecular mechanisms of bacterial cell death and persistence using antibiotic combinations (F. Holm)

Group head: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Fynn Holm, Asian and Oriental Studies - Japanese Studies

Duration: 2024-2030

Fynn Holm's homepage

Role of Sema7A during the Resolution of Kidney Ischemia-/Reperfusion Injury (A. Körner)

Group head: Dr. Andreas Körner, University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Clinic for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

Duration: 2022-2028

Andreas Körner's homepage

Modulating the Gut Microbiome Composition with Drugs (L. Maier)

Group head: Prof. Dr. Lisa Maier, Interfaculty Institute of Microbiology and Infection Medicine

Duration: 2019-2025

Homepage of the "Drug-Microbiome-Host Interactions" research group

SPECSY: Structure-Potential Relationships of Electrochemical Interfaces by in situ Reflection Anisotropy Spectroscopy (M. May)

Group head: Dr. Matthias May, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Duration: 2020-2026

Homepage of the "SPECSY" group

The devil in the details: Phage microhabitats as drivers of soil biogeochemistry (K. Mason-Jones)

Group head: Dr. Kyle Mason-Jones, Biogeochemistry

Duration: 2024-2030

Kyle Mason-Jones' homepage

Religious Conflict and Mobility Byzantium and the Greater Mediterranean, 700–900 (F. Montinaro)

Group head: Dr. Federico Montinaro, Institute of Ancient History

Duration: 2020-2026

Homepage of the "Religious Conflict and Mobility" group

Real Virtual Humans (G. Pons-Moll)

Group head: Prof. Dr. Gerard Pons-Moll, Department of Computer Science – Continuous Learning on Multimodal Datastreams

Duration: 2018-2024

Homepage of the "Real Virtual Humans" group

Arrested Development – How do plants control fate transition timing? (M. Smit)

Group head: Dr. Margot Smit, Center for Plant Molecular Biology (ZMBP)

Duration: 2024-2030

Homepage of the Smit research group

Neuronal control of syllable repetition in birdsong (L. Veit)

Group head: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lena Veit, Institute for Neurobiology

Duration: 2024-2030

Lena Veit's homepage

Foundations of Lifelong Reinforcement Learning (C. Vernade)

Group head: Dr. Claire Vernade

Duration: 2022-2028

Claire Vernade's homepage

Systems Biology Analysis of Vaccine-induced Immunity to Infectious Diseases in Cancer Patients (F. Wimmers)

Group head: Dr. Florian Wimmers, Interfaculty Institute of Biochemistry (IFIB)

Duration: 2022-2028

Homepage of the Wimmers Lab

The normative predictome for precision psychiatry (Th. Wolfers)

Group head: Dr. Thomas Wolfers, University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Duration: 2023-2029

Wolfers lab homepage

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