The German Research Foundation (DFG) has formulated initial guidelines for dealing with generative models for text and image creation. Published in September 2023 by the Executive Committee of the DFG, Germany’s largest research funding body and central self-governing organization for science, the guidelines examine the influence of ChatGPT and other generative AI models on the sciences and on its own funding activities..
to the DFG’s guidelines
On 17 January 2024, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (SWK) presented an impulse paper on "Large Language Models and their potential in the education system". In it, it provides suggestions for use in the classroom, research and development tasks and educational policy discussions: How can large language models be used to promote learning? What skills are required on the part of pupils and teachers? How are examination formats changing due to Chat GPT and Co. What challenges are associated with their use?
to the SWK´s impulse paper