ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships
Strategic Partnerships in the fields of education, training and youth are assigned to Key Action 2: Cooperation for the promotion of innovation and the exchange of best practices.
The objectives are the development, transfer and / or implementation of innovative practices and the promotion of cooperation, peer learning and exchange of experience at European level.
Participation requirements are at least three partners from three different program countries.
Participating countries are the EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Macedonia and Serbia.
Strategic measures support the development, use and dissemination of innovative ideas:
- to strengthen cooperation and networking between institutions
- to test and introduce innovative practices in education, training and improving the prospects of young people
- on the recognition and validation of knowledge, skills and competences (formal, non-formal and informal learning)
- for cooperation between authorities
- to assist learners with disabilities / special requirements to complete educational cycles
- to deal professionally with equality, diversity and inclusion as challenges in the learning environment
- to promote the integration of refugees, asylum seekers and newly arrived refugees.
The maximum funding amount is 150.000.- EUR per year.
Project length: 24-36 Monate
Current call for proposals and information on the application: DAAD Homepage
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