

7. / 8. Oktober 2024: Science & Career Talks with Prof. Dr. Sandra Blaess

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With the Science & Career Talks the University is intensifying its gender  equality activities. As part of the Excellence Strategy experienced and  successful female scientists are invited to Tübingen to present their research  and career path.

For the next event, we welcome Dr. Sandra Blaess, Professor of  Neurodevelopmental Genetics at the Institute for Reconstructive Neurobiology at  the University of Bonn.

Prof. Dr. Blaess will give a public lecture about her scientific research and  offer a workshop. In her workshop, Prof. Blaess will shed light on the  challenges and opportunities for women in scientific careers. The workshop is  primarily aimed at female early career researchers (doctoral students,  postdoctoral researchers, junior professors) at the University of Tübingen.

Public lecture: Developmental mechanisms that establish neuronal heterogeneity  in the dopaminergic system  Monday, October 7th, 2024 at 4 p.m. in the lecture hall of Alte Anatomie,  Österbergstr. 3, 72074 Tübingen  Registration is not required.

Workshop: A Woman’s Path in Science: Career Insights and Overcoming Challenges  Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in seminar room 3 of  Alte Anatomie, Österbergstr. 3, 72074 Tübingen  Registration until October 7th, 2024 via eveeno.com/162726824.

You are warmly invited to both events. For further information, please visit https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/221946



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