

November 13th, 2024: Lecture for employees ‘Sexual harassment - What's the Law?

Superiors can do whatever they want - not quite! In her presentation, Michaela Spandau, a lawyer specialising in criminal law, will explain the legal framework for sexual harassment at universities and the duties of universities and employers to protect.

  • When? November 13th ,  6:15 to 8:15 p.m.
  • Where? Hörsaal 22, Kupferbau, Universität Tübingen

The lecture will be held in German. Registration is not required. We look forward to your participation!

In her presentation, Ms Spandau will shed light on legal definitions and the university's duty to protect. She will clarify key terms such as 'sexual harassment' and 'discrimination' and illustrate how these fit into the legal areas of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), disciplinary law and criminal law. A practical example will be used to illustrate the course of a grievance procedure. Afterwards, the Equality Team will introduce the contact persons at the University of Tübingen.

Michaela Spandau is an independent criminal defence lawyer and specialist solicitor with many years of experience. She has been a trusted lawyer for the Ministry of Science and Art of the State of Baden-Württemberg for sexual harassment issues since 2020. As a founding member of NERO and NEROKidz in Stuttgart, she is also committed to helping children and young people.

Contact for further enquiries:

Team Equity genderspam prevention@equity.uni-tuebingen.de

Gender Equality Officer of the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology: Jessika Golle (jessika.gollespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de)

We see forward to a interesting event and to your questions!


Organised by the Gender Equality Officers of the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology, Jessika Golle und Katharina Wendebourg, und dasTeam Equity.

We would like to thank the Corporate Health Management of the University of Tübingen for kindly supporting and financing the lecture.. 



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