
Further conflict contact points and information

The University and the Tübingen region provide a comprehensive range of contact points and counseling options for gender- or diversity-related conflicts, discrimination and assaults, as well as support needs in the care sector. This page provides a selection to give you initial orientation.


Support for scientists and science communicators in the event of attacks and unobjective conflicts

The online platform Scicomm-Support supports and advises scientists and science communicators who experience hate speech, threats or intimidation. ScicommSupport is a joint service of the Federal Association of University Communication and "Wissenschaft im Dialog". The free telephone counselling service is available daily from 7 am to 10 pm. In addition, the platform offers information on dealing with attacks in the form of guidelines, checklists and best practice recommendations

Points of contact outside the university

In case of sexual or gender-related assaults

Who can help: Help in the district of Tübingen

to the Internet database for social assistance in the district of Tübingen:
