
The Equity Strategy: Equal Opportunities - Inclusive, Anti-Discriminatory, Intersectional (EDI)

Equity: concepts and strategies

Here, we will give you insight our equal opportunity and diversity strategies.

EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) is the international term for an organisational framework. It aims to achieve inclusion and equal opportunities, with a focus on groups that have historically been underrepresented and are potentially being discriminated against. The idea is to create a non-discriminatory, inclusive environment for everyone - regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, caring responsibilities, ethnic origin, age, social or religious background, disability or health conditions.

The promotion of equal opportunities is a central pillar of the work we do. We firmly believe that an educational and scientific culture based, on equity and fairness, contributes to creative research, a healthy working environment, and the successful educational journeys of all genders.

Our strategy papers are the result of a thorough, evidence-based analysis and the consistent focus on eliminating structural inequalities and discrimination. Our strategies furhter aim to promote diversity among university members, to actively counteract discrimination and break down gender-specific barriers.

Our Stance

The University's basic principle is that equal opportunities - regardless of gender, ethnic origin, age, social or religious background, disability, health conditions, or sexual identity - are a human right and an absolute prerequisite for academic freedom, equity in education, and a fair work environment. Diversity enriches both academic and research-supporting work groups, as well as the student body and is therefore welcomed and promoted. In order to achieve this goal, the university has strategically linked priorities: maximizing equal opportunities for all by combating discrimination, and actively facilitating diversity and a culture of inclusivity. The university is both an employer and an educational institution that prepares people to enter the work force. 

Our Approach

The University of Tübingen's strategy pursues a structural approach. It is about recognizing and acknowledging mechanisms of exclusion and structural disadvantages, while taking measures to reduce and counteract them with a culture and the implementation of structural change policies. Where possible, shortcomings of equity goals  must be identified through regular data analyses. Equal opportunity goals are then formulated and integrated into management tools and quality management processes.

Our Goals

In the University's mission statement, three goals are codified:

  1. A university culture based on diversity and equal opportunities is to be developed further,
  2. Remaining disadvantages for women and other groups at risk of discrimination or underrepresention in academic studies, research, and teaching are to be eliminated,
  3. Working conditions and learning environments should be created in such as way as to allow all students, employees, and academics to pursue their goals in the university context. This includes the reconciliation of private and public responsibilities.


Considering Intersectionality, Using Synergies

In order to use already existing synergies to achieve these goals, the topics of gender, diversity, and care are not considered separately. Rather, commonalities and possible dissonances are identified. Above all, these objectives are pursued intersectionally: sex and gender in particular are interwoven with all other characteristics of diversity - diverse factors do not add up, but give rise to specific forms of intersecting, cumulative discrimination factors which influence lived experiences negatively.


The Current Equity Plan

Equal Opportunities at the University of Tübingen Equality - Family - Diversity

The University of Tübingen's Equal Opportunities Plan is the fundamental document in which the University comprehensively describes its goals, strategies, and measures to further equal opportunities / equity.

As part of the University's structural and progress planning, the plan complies with the guidelines of the State'S Higher Education Act  (Landeshochschulgesetz) for (gender) equality plans and runs from 2023 to 2027.

The Gender Equality Plan meets the European Commission's requirements for gender equality plans and thus enables the University of Tübingen and its members to submit applications to the Horizon Europe framework program. ( Rahmenprogramm Horizon Europa )

The current Gender Equality Plan (as part VII of the University of Tübingen's Structure and Development Plan 2023 to 2027) is available for download here:

Equal Opportunities Plan: Equal Opportunities at the University of Tübingen

Quick Access to the Strategy Papers

For the topics of gender equality and equity in care within the plan, there are select summaries available. The diversity strategy was revised in a university-wide participation process and agreed on in 2025. It is available for download on the “Diversity strategy” website.

Equality is also a Central Topic of the Excellence Strategy!

link to the Equal Opportunities
Find out more about the core measures in the area of Gender Equality in the Excellence Strategy at the University of Tübingen.
Link to Science & Career Talks
Role Models in the Science & Career Talks format of the University of Tübingen's Excellence Strategy

Audits and Charta der Vielfalt

The University of Tübingen regularly undergoes audits on the topics of diversity and family. These are the Diversity Audit Diversity Audit "Vielfalt gestalten"  and the audit familiengerechte hochschule. The implementation of the audits is coordinated by Team Equity. The University of Tübingen has also signed the  Charta der Vielfalt.


We recognise that the journey towards equal opportunities for all is a challenging and difficult one. However, all members of the University are invited to continue on this journey and work towards a more inclusive society. Your participation and commitment is vital to bringing about positive change and shaping a fairer future.

Team Equity

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