
TEAching Equality Programme

A university equality policy that only starts at professorial level cannot be successful in the long term. For this reason, the University of Tübingen has launched the TEAching Equality Programme to create equal opportunities during studies.


The TEA programme comprises two parts:

Gender Studies Teaching Assignments

At the University of Tübingen, courses on gender studies are rarely or never offered in most subjects. As a result, students are missing an essential professional qualification aspect of their studies. In order to promote gender studies at the University of Tübingen, teaching assignments in this subject area can be applied for.

Practical lectures

The TEA practical lectures are designed to give female students an insight into the professional lives of successful women. Women usually study very successfully, but they often lack female role models and information on how to overcome the specific challenges that women face in professional life. Practical presentations by women from industry, administration and science are intended to show what professional opportunities are available and present individual career paths of women.

Both parts of the programme are implemented in the faculties under the responsibility of the respective Faculty Equal Opportunities Officer. Applications can therefore also be submitted via the Equal Opportunities Officers or Equal Opportunities Commission of the faculties.


Information for the faculties can be found in the Merkblatt TEA-Lehraufträge und TEA-Praxisvorträge.


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