
attempto online

Attempto online is the University of Tübingen's information portal with current news and reports in the following categories: "Research", "Studies", "Inside the University", "People", "Events" and "Forum".


Neanderthals hunted dangerous cave lions and used their pelts

For the first time, a new study by an international research team shows Neanderthals hunted cave…

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Europe’s very own dinosaurs – the enigmatic Late Cretaceous rhabdodontids

Review by team around Tübingen researcher sheds light on family of ancient herbivores

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Past abrupt changes in North Atlantic Overturning have impacted the climate system across the globe

Tübingen researchers part of international team comparing data on cave deposits worldwide with…

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Biosurfactants might offer an environmentally friendly solution for tackling oil spills

Can biosurfactants increase microbiological oil degradation in North Sea seawater? An international…

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University of Tübingen plant biochemist elected as new EMBO member

Thorsten Nürnberger joins the EMBO community of more than 2,000 leading life scientists in Europe…

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