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Computer science in Tübingen is on the rise: Why students see their future here

Top places for Tübingen computer science studies in the CHE ranking

Computer science students at a hackathon in Tübingen

In the latest CHE ranking, students gave the Department of Computer Science at the University of Tübingen very good marks: With its bachelor’s programs in Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Media Informatics and Cognitive Science, the university is among the top performers, along with seven other universities. In Computer Science, Tübingen scored particularly well in the categories of course content, organization, student support and scientific relevance. Students praised the general study situation, the range of courses and the introduction to scientific work. The latter shows that Tübingen focuses on scientific research at an early stage - even in the bachelor’s program.

Students feel they are well looked after and receive an excellent education in Tübingen

Professor Philipp Hennig, Professor for the Methods of Machine Learning and Dean of Studies at the Department of Computer Science, emphasizes: "Since the CHE ranking is largely based on the results of the student survey, our good performance reflects first and foremost the good impression our own students have of computer science in Tübingen. I am very pleased that our students feel well cared for and well educated in Tübingen after the pandemic and the enormous changes of recent years - in the midst of the AI revolution".

Strong initiatives strengthen Tübingen as a location for computer science

The department has grown strongly in recent years: the establishment of the Cluster of Excellence "Machine Learning: New Perspectives for Science" and the founding of the Tübingen AI Center, a joint research facility of the University of Tübingen and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, one of five German competence centers for artificial intelligence and part of the national AI strategy, have provided strong impetus. This is also reflected in the external funding ranking: only two locations in Germany have more external funding per scientist than Tübingen.

With its focus on machine learning and artificial intelligence, Tübingen's computer science has also gained an international profile: The integration into the network of the University of Tübingen, the Max Planck Institutes for Intelligent Systems and for Biological Cybernetics, the European Lab for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS), the new ELLIS Institute in Tübingen and the Cyber Valley offers students excellent opportunities for exchange with international students and top scientists. Start-up initiatives and technology transfer also play an important role.

Not only Tübingen's computer science faculty, but also the university as a whole is popular: in the past winter semester, more people studied here than ever before. In mid-November 2023, a total of 28,619 students were enrolled in Tübingen, an increase of 0.9 percent compared to the previous year. The number of new students rose to 5,332, an increase of 5.9 percent compared to the previous year.

Further information:

The CHE University Ranking

The CHE University Ranking has been published annually in May since 1998 by the CHE Center for Higher Education Development in cooperation with its media partner DIE ZEIT. The CHE Center for Higher Education Development is an independent, non-profit organization that develops proposals for improving the higher education system and provides information for prospective and current students. CHE is funded by the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the German Rectors' Conference as equal partners.

Useful resources:

Contact for prospective students:

studienfachberatungspam prevention@cs.uni-tuebingen.de

Media contact:

Claudia Brusdeylins
Communications Manager
Tübingen AI Center
University of Tübingen
Phone +49 7071 29-77910
claudia.brusdeylinsspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


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