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Introduction of the 'Deutschlandticket'

Refund options in case of switching from the JugendticketBW or the Semesterticket

On May 1, 2023, the Deutschlandticket will be introduced in the naldo transport association. The Deutschlandticket is valid on public transport throughout Germany and costs 49 euros per month. It is then a personal, non-transferable ticket that is only valid in 2nd class. Children under the age of six travel free of charge, otherwise there are no further take-along arrangements. The Deutschlandticket can be cancelled monthly. You can also subscribe to naldo-Plus for additional 9.90 euros per month. With the naldo-Plus, the Deutschlandticket is transferable throughout the naldo network and includes a take-along arrangement. Sales start nationwide is April 3, 2023, the Deutschlandticket can then be ordered conveniently online in the subscription customer portal www.abos.naldo.de.

With the naldo-JugendticketBW for students introduced on March 1, 2023 and the naldo-Semesterticket, the transport association has two attractive ticket offers that students can continue using.

Of course, naldo will offer a proportionate refund for those students who purchased a naldo-JugendticketBW for students or a naldo-Semesterticket in March or April 2023 and would like to switch to the Deutschlandticket on May 1st. For this purpose, an online form will be activated on April 3, 2023 at studis-online.naldo.de
on which personal data, bank details and the tickets purchased can be uploaded. naldo will then check the refund application and make the refund within 4-6 weeks.

A refund of JugendticketBWs for students or naldo semester tickets purchased from May 2023 onwards is not possible. Refund applications must be received by naldo no later than May 31, 2023.

Further information on the Deutschlandticket as well as the naldo-JugendticketBW and the naldo-Semesterticket: www.naldo.de

Announcement of naldo transport association


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