
Scholarships and Free Movers


Temporary (non-degree) study stays

1. Freemover

a) Freemover without scholarship

If you wish to spend a limited period of time at Tübingen University in order to follow a project that is meaningfully related to your studies at your home university, you may apply as a freemover. With your application please upload proof of registration at your home university as well as transcripts of your previous studies.

A written recommendation by a member of the faculty of the relevant department at the University of Tübingen has to be included with your application. This recommendation should endorse and substantiate the necessity of your study stay. A stay solely for the purpose of acquiring or improving your knowledge of German is not possible.

Your application for a study visit (freemover) will be decided upon in consultation with the faculty and in a case-by-case review.

You are an applicant with refugee status in Germany, but are not registered at a university in your home country? You can apply with the following documents:  Proof of refugee status in the Federal Republic of Germany, proof of language skills at level B2 (English or German depending on the study program you wish to apply for), the recognition of your university entrance qualification / Bachelor for Master programs, and a counseling by the international admission team, the consent of the concerned department.

b) Freemover with scholarship

If you hold a scholarship by a scholarship organization (DAAD, KAAD, Fulbright etc.) and wish for a temporary study stay with enrollment, please apply including proof of your scholarship.

Bewerbungsportal ALMA

Students who are already taking part in an exchange program with one of Tübingen's partner universities and would like to apply for an additional semester as a freemover can unfortunately not be considered. You should contact the responsible coordinators regarding an extension of your exchange program stay.

2. Research stay

If you are a research student (temporary research stay according to §60 Abs. 1 Satz 7 LHG), please apply using the following procedure:

  • With your application please upload proof of registration at your home university.

  • You will also need a letter of recommendation from your supervisor justifying the necessity of your research stay and a form from the Dean's Office of the Faculty of the University of Tübingen confirming that you will not acquire credit points (ECTS) at the University of Tübingen.

This kind of research stay is usually limited to one or two semesters.

Bewerbungsportal ALMA


3. Preparation for PhD

You are aiming at a doctorate at a faculty of the University of Tübingen, have not yet been accepted for a doctorate by the faculty, but have been invited by your supervisor to a study visit in preparation for the actual doctorate.

Bewerbungsportal ALMA

Please keep in mind that it is not possible to pass any final exams at Tuebingen University while being a visiting student. You may participate in any of the classes of the department you are registered with. However, if the number of participants is limited, regular Tuebingen students will be considered first.

 Information about the application and admission of international students, including application forms and a list of all available courses, can be found at:

Detailed information about all courses of study at Tuebingen University with links to their respective homepages can found at:

For ERASMUS and other exchange program students:

The office responsible for exchanges and EU mobility programs at the University of Tubingen is the International Office (exchange programs), Wilhelmstr. 9, 72074 Tübingen.