We are available for clarification of questions, for information and for individual counseling (maximum duration of conversation: around 20 minutes). Here you can discuss simple counseling topics with us (e.g. organizational questions regarding application, immatriculation, study planning, exam regulations, change of subject, difficulties in your studies etc.) and, if necessary, also make appointments for further counseling.
You can currently reach us by telephone under +49 7071 29-72555 and +49 7071 29-77730 during the following hours:
Tue, Wed & Fri: 09.00 - 10.30 h
Mon & Thu: 13.00 - 14.30 h
Open office hours on campus at Wilhelmstraße 19, 3rd floor.
Here you can simply show up without an appointment during the following hours. Please note that you may have to wait for a few minutes:
Tue, Wed & Fri: 10.30 - 12.00 h (also for international students)
Mon & Thu: 14.30 - 16.00 h