
Counseling formats

Counseling at the Student Counseling Service is of course confidential, i.e. the counseling is subject to professional discretion. In our counseling sessions, we focus on your individual concerns and issues related to your studies, and we develop with you appropriate solutions and strategies for your personal situation. Furthermore, our counseling is neutral and open-ended.

You can get in touch with us in an uncomplicated way. We offer different counseling formats, depending on the topic, the question or the time required. If necessary, follow-up appointments can also be arranged to a certain extent.

Counseling without appointment / Open office hours

We are available for clarification of questions, for information and for individual counseling (maximum duration of conversation: around 20 minutes). Here you can discuss simple counseling topics with us (e.g. organizational questions regarding application, immatriculation, study planning, exam regulations, change of subject, difficulties in your studies etc.) and, if necessary, also make appointments for further counseling.

You can currently reach us by telephone under +49 7071 29-72555 and +49 7071 29-77730 during the following hours:

Tue, Wed & Fri: 09.00 - 10.30 h
Mon & Thu: 13.00 - 14.30 h

Open office hours on campus at Wilhelmstraße 19, 3rd floor.
Here you can simply show up without an appointment during the following hours. Please note that you may have to wait for a few minutes:

Tue, Wed & Fri: 10.30 - 12.00 h (also for international students)
Mon & Thu: 14.30 - 16.00 h

Counseling with appointment

Here, more complex concerns (choice of study, decision-making, learning strategies, exam preparation, study problems, reorientation, etc.) can be discussed in detail. You can make an appointment for a consultation by sending an e-mail to . Please indicate briefly what you are interested in and whether you would like to have a consultation on campus, via digital video (DFN/BBB), or by telephone. The consultation lasts maximum 1 hour.

You can also arrange an appointment during our telephone hours under +49 7071 29-72555 /  +49 7071 29-77730 or via our secretary's office under  +49 7071 29-72571.
You can currently reach us via phone:
Tue, Wed & Fri: 09.00 - 10.30 h
Mon & Thu: 13.00 - 14.30 h

Consultation via digital video (DFN or Big Blue Button)

If you would like a consultation appointment via video conference (DFN or Big Blue Button), please send an e-mail to . Please briefly state your request.

Information on the phone

e.g. if you have questions about application, about the available study programs, about study planning or study organisation, as an emergency hotline for problems in your studies, or to make an appointment for a more extensive counseling session.

+49 7071 29-72555
+49 7071 29-77730

Tue, Wed & Fri: 09.00 - 10.30 h
Mon & Thu: 13.00 - 14.30 h

Information via e-mail

Short inquiries can also be sent to us by e-mail. They are usually answered within two to three working days: 

E-mail communication with the Counseling Service for International Students is currently still not encrypted, i.e. it is not guaranteed that messages cannot be read or changed by third parties. For confidential communication we recommend telephone or personal contact.

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