FAQ: Are there any special regulations because of the Covid-19 Pandemic?
As a result of the Corona pandemic, which led to significantly changed study conditions from the summer semester 2020 to the winter semester 2021/22, several special regulations were introduced, which remain valid for those students who were enrolled during the pandemic.
Is there an extension of deadlines for examinations because of the Pandemic?
An amendment to the Baden-Württemberg Higher Education Act stipulates that for students that were enrolled in a degree program during one or more of the four "corona semesters" (summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/21, summer semester 2021, winter semester 2021/22), the deadlines for the completion of semester-related study and examination work will be extended by one semester for each of these semesters.
This extension of examination deadlines is limited to a total of three semesters per person.
The extension of deadlines is usually applied automatically. It is also valid for repeat examinations and for maximum deadlines for graduation. However, students are not entitled to additional examination dates.
Is there an extension for the duration of BAföG funding?
For students who receive BAföG funding, another relevant regulation is that the standard period of study has been extended due to the corona pandemic. This regulation is important because the standard period of study is generally used as the basis for the maximum duration of BAföG funding.
For all students that were enrolled in a degree program during one or more of the four "corona semesters" (summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/21, summer semester 2021, winter semester 2021/22), the standard period of study will be calculated individually, with extension by one semester for each of the aforementioned semesters during which the person was enrolled.
In contrast to the above-mentioned extension of examination deadlines, for the BAföG reference period all "corona semesters" relevant to the person in question are taken into account, i.e. up to four semesters in total.
Further informationen under § 29 LHG:
https://www.landesrecht-bw.de/jportal/?quelle=jlink&query=HSchulG+BW+%C2%A7+29&psml=bsbawueprod.psml&max=true (see also the RegelstudienzeitverlängerungsVO for the extensions of these regulations for the second year of the pandemic, 2021/22)
If you have any questions about this topic, please contact the Amt für Ausbildungsförderung: https://en.my-stuwe.de/bafoeg/