Students who wish to change their given name under the German Selbstbestimmungsgesetz (Self-Determination Act) can apply for immediate change of name and civil status in the university’s registration system.
Student Administration is responsible for the change of given name and civil status.
send an e-mail
Telephone: +49 (0) 7071-29-74444
There are two ways of applying to change your given name and civil status.
Option A: DGTI pass
The DGTI pass is a supplemental form of ID. You can apply for one directly from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität e.V. (DGTI). It contains all the chosen personal data and a current ID photo. It is intended to enable people who have not officially changed their given name to present a recognized document that identifies them with their chosen name and gender.
Applying for DGTI pass
Please send a photo of the DGTI pass by e-mail to Student Administration.
Please also include the application form for a replacement student pass together with an ID photo so that we can issue a new student pass.
Option B: Selbstbestimmungsgesetz (Self-Determination Act)
Alternatively, name and civil status can be changed based on the German Selbstbestimmungsgesetz (Self-Determination Act).
In both cases:
Generally, Student Administration will also change your e-mail address. Otherwise, you can also contact the IT Center (ZDV) directly.
Send an e-mail to the IT Center
Updating existing documents (certificates): retroactively revising documents is only possible once a new personal ID card has been applied for.
Issuing diplomas: diplomas can only be issued in the new name if a new personal ID card has been applied for.
The relevant Examinations Office is responsible for issuing certificates.
In conclusion:
Please always contact the Diversity Office if you need additional support.
send an e-mail
Telephone: +49 (0) 7071-29-74947
For detailed questions regarding the documents to be submitted, filling out forms or the exact procedure, please contact Student Administration.
E-Mail schreiben
Telefon: +49 (0) 7071-29-74444