
The Sustainability Award for Theses

Information on the Sustainability Awards 2024

Students or graduates who have written their final thesis in the field of sustainable development can submit applications for the Sustainability Award for Final Theses until 15.09.2024. The University of Tübingen has been awarding the prize since 2011.

The Sustainability Prize is awarded to final theses at Bachelor's and Master's level (or equivalent) that are dedicated to a topic of sustainable development in an outstanding manner. The prize is endowed with 300 euros for Bachelor's theses and 500 euros for Master's theses. This year, a prize for dissertations was also awarded for the first time, with prize money of 1,000 euros. The highlight of the event was the Sustainability Lecture.

The concept of the Sustainability Award was developed by the Advisory Board for Sustainable Development, which took up an idea from the student initiative Greening The University e.V. Tübingen. By offering and publicly awarding the prize, the university is creating incentives for scientific debate on the topic of sustainable development and making its relevance for society visible.

Further information on the competition can be found under “Downloads and links” in the right-hand column, and an overview of the award winners from previous years can be found below.

Bachelor theses
Leon Flemming 
(B.Sc., Geography)
„Sozialräumliche Ungleichheit der Hitzebelastung im Stadtgebiet von Tübingen”
Benedikt Sanwald 
(B.A., German studies)
“Was man nicht kennt und nie gesehen hat, kann man nicht vermissen. Literarische Annäherungen an das Artensterben in Bernhard Kegels 'Käfer' und Ernst Jüngers 'Subtile Jagden"
Marie Luise Geisbusch 
(B.Sc., Geoecology)
„Restoration Effects on Peatland Vegetation – Integrating Field and Landsat Data“
Master theses
Mara Buchstab 
(M.A., Political Science/
Public Policy and Social Change)
„Power, ideas, and the eco-social-growth trilemma: Tracing the Social Democratic Party’s ideational evolution in parliamentary debates on the Annual Economic Report from 1968 – 2023 in Germany“
Jörg Müller 
(M.A., Media Studies)
„Glasklar - alte Objektive an modernen Kameras"
Freya Reiß 
(M.Sc., Economics/
European Management)
"Not all that glitters is green: An Extension employing Instrumental Variables and Propensity Score Matching"
Beatrice Ellerhoff 
(Dr. rer.nat., Physics)
„Structure and Causes of Variability in Earth’s Surface Air Temperature at the Local to Global Level“

Sustainability Awards 2015-2023

Below you will find reports on the sustainability awards and sustainability lectures of recent years:

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