
Deutschlandstipendium Scholarships

Information on the Deutschlandstipendium at the University of Tübingen

The University of Tübingen will once again be awarding Deutschlandstipendium scholarships for the coming semesters. This supplementary income of 300 euro per month goes to support especially gifted and high-performance students. You can find details on the purpose of the scholarships and on how to apply in the official call for applications and the University of Tübingen DStip articles

Who may apply?

Important note for applicants with foreign certificates:

Applicants with a foreign high school diploma (university entrance qualification) or a foreign bachelor's degree must submit their certificate for conversion to the German grading system to the following email address: studyspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de. An application is only possible with a German average grade! Certificates with a foreign average grade will not be considered for the application for the Deutschlandstipendium.

The overall assessment of an applicant’s potential may include special successes, awards and prizes in supraregional, academically-oriented competitions, longer-term extracurricular or extracurricular involvement, such as volunteer work, community, social, highly political, or political involvement; particular personal or family circumstances such as illness or disability, duty of care for one’s own child/ren - particularly as a single parent - or responsibility for close relatives in need of care; working in the family business, working parallel to studies; particular family or migrant origins.
All information must be supported by appropriate evidence and uploaded to the Online Portal.

The scholarship comprises 300 euro per month. The scholarships are approved for one year. You may make a new application during the application period. The Deutschlandstipendium is awarded independent of income and may be combined with BAFöG assistance. The scholarships are strictly linked to the prescribed minimum period of study and may be extended beyond that period only in justified cases. You can only apply for a Deutschland scholarship in your major subject.

The application is made in our Online Portal. Please enter your application for the Deutschlandstipendium in the Online Portal and upload your supporting documents there.

Please also note the regulations valid for the University of Tübingen in the application agreement, which you can find in the online portal and will have to confirm.

Once you have submitted the completed application, you will receive an automatic confirmation by e-mail for electronic receipt.

The application deadline for the upcoming procedure (SoSe 2025 and WiSe 2025/26) is 01.11. to 30.11.2024.

Applications that are not submitted on time and in the correct form cannot be considered in the selection process.

After the application deadline, applications will be forwarded to the respective faculties for pre-selection.

The university's internal scholarship selection committee will then make a binding decision on admission to the Deutschlandstipendium in February 2025.

The admission and rejection notices will probably be sent to the students until the end of March 2025. The start of payment is 01.04.2025.

Further information on the Deutschlandstipendium is available at: www.deutschlandstipendium.de and from Student Administration.