
Language courses for employees

The language courses for employees are offered as part of the continuing education and training program of the University of Tübingen for academic and administrative staff.

Course program and registration

Begin of registration: 23 September 2024

End of registration: 04 November 2024

Note on the language courses of the general course offering:

As of summer semester 2023, employees of the University of Tübingen can only register for the employee courses of the Foreign Language Center.

Registration procedure

Registration procedure for employees
(academic staff and administrative staff):

  1. Submit an Application form (pdf) and send it by internal mail to Zentrale Verwaltung, Dezernat VI, Abteilung Personalentwicklung (Central Administration, Department VI, Human Resources Development)
    Please make sure to send an application in case of science-supporting employment. For scientific employment, each respective faculty may cover your course fees or participants may pay on their own.
  2. Before course registration, you have to go through a placement test. Please make sure to request the online access to the test via (bskspam prevention@fsz.uni-tuebingen.de)
  3. General information on the courses can be found under "Program structure". Registration takes place online via the course programme / online registration on the respective registration dates. Please check whether and, if so, to what extent course fees apply.

If you have any questions, please contact (bskspam prevention@fsz.uni-tuebingen.de)

Program structure

Language courses for employees are offered based on language skills and target group and are held continuously throughout the academic year. The instructors adapt the course content each semester to the needs and interests of the participants from each group.

Participants who have successfully completed a course are automatically registered for a follow-up course in the same group for the next semester unless they do not wish to continue the course. If there is a waiting list for the course, participants who have already completed a follow-up course must re-register for the course and will not be prioritized.

If participants improve their English skills beyond the level of their group, they may continue in a group at the next higher level. At the beginning and at the end of each course, the instructor will assess the skills and needs of the course participants to ensure that their English proficiency level is still appropriate for the course and to advise participants which course they should take next.

The aim is to help participants to use their English skills more confidently in their professional work and to provide a basis for continued learning.

Course fee

1) Participants for whom the course is relevant for their professional work will not pay a fee. In such a case, course attendance will be treated as working time and course attendance is mandatory due to the employer’s requirements.

2) If the language course is not relevant to the individual’s work, they must pay the course fee and attend the course in their own time.

All FSZ courses are subject to attendance requirements.

Further information on course fees is given on the Course regulations page.

Assumption of costs

Academic staff and administrative staff

For administrative staff, the Central Administration will review whether and to what extent the course costs can be covered by the University’s continuing education program at the individual’s request.

Academic staff should contact the faculty regarding the assumption of costs.

Applicants will be notified by the Central Administration of the amount granted before registering for the course.

Authorized absences for employees

For courses with 2 semester hours (SWS) with 14 dates: 10 teaching hours* (corresponds to five dates)

*1 teaching hour = 45 minutes

Summer Semester 2022: Since our courses have a total of 10 dates in this semester, the maximum absence is 3 dates

Certificates/Proof of language proficiency

All participants will receive a participation certificate at the end of the semester if all course requirements are met. Participants may also obtain a DAAD language certificate from their instructor as a proof of language proficiency.