
Symposium - University of the Future

Date: Saturday, 11 November 2023, 10:30–19:00 CET
Locations: Alte Aula, Münzgasse 30; Schloss Hohentübingen (Castle), Burgsteige 11

The visit of the symposium is only possible for registered guests and participants.
Please note that registration is now closed for capacity reasons.

Program schedule

(please note that minor details are still bound to change):


Agenda Item
10:00 Coffee & Get together

Welcome & Introduction (Main Hall)

Moderator: Oliver Häussler


Welcoming Address 1

Speaker: Karla Pollmann, President and Vice-Chancellor University of Tübingen 


Welcoming Address  2

Speaker: Boris Palmer, Lord Mayor of Tübingen


Keynote Speech

Moderation: Oliver Häussler
Speaker: Maja Göpel, Leuphana University

11:15–11:30 Changeover Break 1
House Keeping: Oliver Häussler

Breakout Session 1


Topic A: The Future of University Libraries (Room 605)

  • Jim O’Donnell, Arizona State University
  • Torsten Reimer, University of Chicago (Impulse)
  • Isa Jahnke, University of Technology Nuremberg
  • Marianne Dörr, University of Tübingen (host)


Topic B: Transfer and Translation at the University (Room 606)

  • Ingmar Hoerr, Morphosys Foundation 
  • Erin Leahey, University of Arizona (Impulse)
  • Peter Grathwohl, University of Tübingen (host)


Topic C: Science Communication and Public Engagement (Main Hall)

  • Pernilla Björk, Uppsala University
  • Lena Ganschow, Science journalist and TV presenter (Impulse)
  • Maja Göpel, Leuphana University
  • Moritz Rothhaar, University of Tübingen
  • Olaf Kramer, University of Tübingen (host)
12:30–12:40 Changeover Break 2
12:40–13:30 Lunch Break (Main Hall)

Breakout Session 2


Topic A: Humanities in the 21st Century (Room 605)

  • Angelika Frescher-Molitor, University of Tübingen
  • Christoph Markschies, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  • Sijbold Noorda, University of Amsterdam
  • Angelika Zirker, University of Tübingen (host)


Topic B: The Future of Research (Room 606)

  • Enno Aufderheide, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  • Henrike Hartmann, Volkswagenstiftung (Impulse)
  • Sabine Süsstrunk, Swiss Science Council
  • Samuel Wagner, University of Tübingen
  • Anke Scholz, University of Tübingen (host)


Topic C: Campus Architecture and Sustainability (Main Hall)

  • Helle Juul, Juul | Frost Arkitekter (Impulse)
  • Chris Speed, University of Edinburgh
  • Thomas Potthast, University of Tübingen
  • Megan Luke, University of Tübingen (host)
14:30-14:45 Break

Breakout Session 3

Topic A: German Universities in International Comparison (Room 605)

  • Antonio Loprieno, All European Academies (ALLEA)
  • Jane Norman, University of Nottingham
  • Mark Roche, University of Notre Dame (Impulse)
  • Samuel Wagner, University of Tübingen (host)


Topic B: The Future of Teaching (Room 606)

  • Jacob Bühler, University of Tübingen
  • Martin Hoffmann, Hohenzollern-Gymnasium Sigmaringen
  • Christoph Deeg, Zentrum für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung
  • Ernesto William de Luca, Leibniz Institute for Educational Media (Impulse)
  • Karin Amos, University of Tübingen (host)
15:45–16:15 Coffee Break
16:15–17:15 Closing Panel Discussion (Main Hall)

Panel Members: Karla Pollmann, President and Vice-Chancellor University of Tübingen and representatives from all Breakout Sessions
Moderator: Oliver Häussler


Walk to the Castle

Guided Torchlight Procession
Locations: Alte Aula → Schloss Hohentübingen

18:00–19:00 Reception

Locations: Courtyard & Rittersaal, Schloss Hohentübingen
Music: Performance by university choir


Light refreshments

Followed by an optional guided tour of the castle museum “MUT”

10:30 - 17:30 CET

Location: "Alte Aula", Old Assembly Hall, Münzgasse 30, Tübingen

18:00 - 19:00 CET

Location: "Schloss Hohentübingen", Hohentuebingen Castle, Burgsteige 11, Tübingen

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