

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports the combined scholarship and mentoring program STIBET with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA). The programme serves to improve support for international students and doctoral candidates and at the same time provides scholarships for international students and doctoral candidates, which can be used by universities as part of their internationalization strategies.

DAAD STIBET Study Completion Grant

Target group

The grant is only offered to international students and doctoral candidates who are nearing completion of their studies and encountering unexpected financial difficulties. It is usually €550 with a maximum funding period of 3 months.

Financial need information

This DAAD grant allows work and other scholarships during the funding period but the total amount of your income (family, scholarships, state funding, work, etc.) is not allowed to exceed the following amounts:

  • Students: 1.548€ total
    Example: 550€ Study Completition Grant plus 998€ additional income
  • PhD students: 1.856€ total
    Example: 900€ Study Completition Grant plus 956€ additional income

Required documents

  1. Current enrollment certificate
  2. Motivation letter including:
    • Full Name
    • Enrollment number
    • Field of study
    • Reasons for financial need / period of financial need
    • Information on current and past funding
    • Any additional information you would like to share (e.g. social engagement)
    • Estimated completion date of thesis
  3. Recommendation letter by thesis supervisor including:
    • Time span until completion of thesis
    • Estimation that thesis can be finished successfully during this period
    • Recommendation for a scholarship based on academic merit
    • Recommendation letter needs to be hand-signed, on university letterhead, and include stamp of the supervisor or institute
  4. Transcript & degree certificates:
    • Current transcript to evaluate progress and academic merit
    • As a master student submit a copy of Bachelor degree certificate
    • As a PhD student submit a copy of Master degree certificate without transcript.

Application and Contact

Please submit the complete application documents at a scholarship advisory session, which you can book here: 

Book an appointment (Scholarship Advice)

Please direct questions about this scholarship to:

Ms. Simone Hahne
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Dez. IV.3 – Student Counseling Service
Support for international Students
Wilhelmstraße 19 | 72074 Tübingen

Email: simone.hahnespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 
Tel.: +49 7071 29-76846 

DAAD STIBET Engagement Grant

Target group

The scholarship is only offered to students and doctoral candidates who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to the international context of their university and who encounter unexpected financial difficulties. It is usually €550 with a maximum funding period of 3 months.

Financial need information

This DAAD grant allows work and other scholarships during the funding period but the total amount of your income (family, scholarships, state funding, work, etc.) is not allowed to exceed the following amounts:

  • Students: 1.548€ total
    Example: 550€ Study Completition Grant plus 998€ additional income
  • PhD students: 1856€ total
    Example: 900€ Study Completition Grant plus 956€ additional income

Required documents

  1. Current enrollment certificate
  2. Motivation letter including:
    • Full Name
    • Enrollment number
    • Field of study
    • Reasons for financial need / period of financial need
    • Information on current and past funding
    • Information on voluntary or social engagement
    • Any additional information you would like to share
  3. Proof of outstanding engagement in the international context of this university
  4. Transcript & degree certificates:
    • Current transcript to evaluate progress and academic merit
    • As a master student submit a copy of Bachelor degree certificate
    • As a PhD student submit a copy of Master degree certificate without transcript.

Application and Contact

Please submit the complete application documents at a scholarship advisory session, which you can book here: 

Book an appointment (Scholarship Advice)

Please direct questions about this scholarship to:

Ms. Simone Hahne
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Dez. IV.3 – Student Counseling Service
Support for international Students
Wilhelmstraße 19 | 72074 Tübingen

Email: simone.hahnespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 
Tel.: +49 7071 29-76846 

DAAD STIBET Equal Opportunity Grant

Target group

The STIBET Opportunity Scholarship is aimed at students and doctoral candidates who are facing particular challenges in their studies that cause them to have increased expenses. It usually amounts to €300 with a maximum funding period of 5 months.

Financial need information

This DAAD grant allows work and other scholarships during the funding period but the total amount of your income (family, scholarships, state funding, work, etc.) is not allowed to exceed the following amounts:

  • Students: 1548€ total
    Example: 300€ Equal Opportunity Grant plus 1.248€ additional income
  • PhD students: 1856€ total
    Example: 300€ Equal Opportunity Grant plus 1.556€ additional income

Required documents

  1. Current enrollment certificate
  2. Motivation letter including:
    • Full Name
    • Enrollment number
    • Field of study
    • Reasons for financial need / period of financial need
    • Information on current and past funding
    • Any additional information you would like to share (e.g. social engagement)
  3. Proof of special circumstances which require financial compensation
    For example:
    • Medical certificate on disability or chronic illness with a description of the associated financial burden (if applicable, also confirmation that these expenses cannot be covered by a third party such as health insurance)
    • Documents for a comprehensible explanation of the necessity of increased expenses due to special circumstances
  4. Transcript & degree certificates:
    • Current transcript to evaluate progress and academic merit
    • As a master student submit a copy of Bachelor degree certificate
    • As a PhD student submit a copy of Master degree certificate without transcript.

Application and Contact

Please submit the complete application documents at a scholarship advisory session, which you can book here: 

Book an appointment (Scholarship Advice)

Please direct questions about this scholarship to:

Ms. Simone Hahne
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Dez. IV.3 – Student Counseling Service
Support for international Students
Wilhelmstraße 19 | 72074 Tübingen

Email: simone.hahnespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 
Tel.: +49 7071 29-76846 

Further study funding options

You will find an overview of other study funding options on the page “Study funding for degree-seeking international students”. If you have any questions about the funding options listed there, please contact the Student Counselor for international students (Dr. Kieran Tsitsiklis).

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