
Doing sex - an ethngraphic study of sex as social practice in Botswana

Supervisor: Dr. Sabine Klocke-Daffa

PhD-Candidate: Karin Pfister M. A.

Within the scope of the doctorate group “networks and resource complexes”, this project asks as to which role sexuality plays within the creation, preservation, and change of social structures. Ethnographic fieldwork will be conducted in Botswana (Southern Africa) so as to provide empirical data.

According to differing scientific considerations about sexuality, it can be understood as a biological or a cultural phenomenon. In any case, one can always speak of the fact that reproduction plays an important role. From the point of view of biology, it is about the reproduction of descendants; from the point of view of the social or cultural sciences it is, among other things, about reproduction of social structures. The latter stands in the center of this project and should be seen as the basis of the following three different investigation units.

Local concepts of sexuality

The first investigation unit examines the culture-specific concepts of the sexual relations while examining their relevance to the meaning and function of sexuality in the society of the Batswana. Important investigation questions possibly include: By which normative assessment are sexual relations underlie? Which role plays the reproduction in sexual relations? Can sexuality be understood as a resource in itself, or is it the means by which to gain access to resources?

Networks of sexual relations

The second investigation unit deals with so-called "multiple concurrent partnerships" (MCPs). This is a polygamous form of sexual relations in which men and women have parallel sexual relations with several partners. First and foremost, the focus of interest is to be seen in the social structure which arises from these MCPs. It is assumed that sexual networks are formed throughout these MCPs and that different resources are exchanged within these. The rules of these exchange processes which are to be observed within the sexual networks must also be examined. Relevant investigation questions are, e.g.: Which socio-cosmological conditions of exchange do exist? Which values are ascribed to those exchanged goods? Who profits from the exchange? (Individuals or groups?)

The interplay of sexuality and resources

After the network structure of these sexual relations is examined, the meaning of sexuality and the role of the resources and the exchange process should be brought together. Furthermore, two central working hypotheses of the doctorate group „networks and resource complexes“ should be proved: (1) Is it true that the exchange processes which play an important role in the sexual relations of the Batswana require a certain structure of relationships? (2) Do the resources, on the one hand, and the sexuality, on the other, have to be configured in a specific way to each other in order to develop their functions?