The complete and detailed application process can be found in this Checkliste.
Before the application:
Please contact the Erasmus staff mobility office ahead of time, at least 6 weeks before your mobility. You should also discuss your planned mobility with your supervisor and the host institution. The department for human resources should be informed about the mobility through a Dienstreiseantrag (travel authorisation request), as well as the Formular zur Entsendung (form of deployment). Please also take note of the general references for business trips (Allgemeinen Hinweise zu Dienstreisen) from the department of human resources.
Before your mobility:
As a first step, you have to send in an application through our web portal Mobility Online. There are two separte forms, one for Teaching assignments/Lehrendenmobilität (STA) and one for Training/Personalmobilität (STT). Once you have submitted your application and completed the registration in the portal, you can upload the following documents in the order they are listed:
- Invitation letter/Einladungsschreiben
- Travel authorisation request/Dienstreisegenehmigung
- (Optional Green Travel: sworn declaration/Ehrenwörtliche Erklärung)
- Mobility Agreement
- Grant Agreement
Please take into consideration that Staff mobilities for teaching assignments (STA) can only be funded if they fulfill the minimum number of 8 teaching hours per week (5 days). If you combine a teaching assignment with a training, the minimum number can be reduced to 4 hours per week.
During your mobility:
Collect all original receipts and invoices from your accommodation and your travel (plane tickets, train tickets, petrol receipts, etc.) for the travel expense report/Reisekostenrechnung. Ask the host institution to issue a Confirmation of Stay/Aufenthaltsbestätigung as proof that you have successfully completed your mobility.
After your mobility:
Before the payment of the funding can be issued, you have to complete the following steps:
- fill out the lecturer report/Dozentenbericht in Mobility Online
- upload the Confirmation of Stay/Aufenthaltsbestätigung
- fill out the EU Participant Survey
- send the travel expense report to the Erasmus staff mobility office
Please note that the travel cost center/Reisekostenstelle will perform a comparative calculation according to the Landesreisekostengesetz (LRKG). Therefore, processing your documents can take some time. Processing and payment of the funding is only possible once all the steps above have been completed because they have been specified by the NA-DAAD. If the amount of the funding that has been originally calculated exceeds the amount that you have actually spent, you will have to pay taxes for the surplus amount.