
Just arrived in Tübingen?

New in Tübingen? Then you've come to the right place!

You have just arrived in Tübingen to study here? Everything is brand new and a bit foreign? Then come and join us in the "Advisory Course" for international students.

The advisory course consists of 14 students from all subjects and faculties. We would like to introduce you to student life in Tübingen.

During the advisory course, local students will answer all your questions about starting at the university and in Tübingen. They
- help you to find your way around at the University of Tübingen
- show you your department and the libraries
- show you the city of Tübingen and its characteristics
and: You will meet new friends from all over the world!

The program starts in October. 
We will divide you into subject-specific groups so that we can give you not only general information but also more information about your subject. You will also be able to exchange ideas with your future fellow students.
During this week, you will participate in an face-to-face program that will give you an introduction to life in Tübingen in general, but also to all the networks and administrative platforms of the university. 
We also have a city tour, a campus tour and a pub crawl planned. 

The Advisory course is expected to cost 5€. Please pay the fee on the first day of the course. With the 5€ we will organize a party with pizza and drinks for you on the last day of the course.

If you want to participate in the Advisory course winter semester 2024, please fill out this registration form:

If you have any problems with the registration or further questions, please send us an email to beratungskursspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de
We look forward to meeting you.

Advisory Course winter semester 2024

The course will take place in Ocotber. The exact dates will be published soon
The program can be downloaded here: