

Let's Talk about Careers - mit Dr. Katharina Böhm (Kopie 1)

Lunch Talk mit UT Alumna Dr. Katharina Böhm (Neurowissenschaftlerin) über Ihren Karriereweg zum Steinbeis Europa Zentrum. Diese online Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt.

In our lunch talk format - Let's Talk About Careers - we invite Alumni who have left academia to talk about their personal career paths. With this format we want to support doctoral researchers and postdocs of the university in their individual career orientation. Participants can find out about career paths outside of academia and meet scientists who have already taken the next career step and talk about their experiences and decision-making. The lunch talk is set up as a short interview with our guest on their personal career path and decision-making process and afterwards there will be room for questions. 

For this talk, we are very happy that Dr. Katharina Böhm has agreed to be our guest. Dr. Böhm received her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Tübingen and is now working at the Steinbeis Europa Zentrum. 

"Let's Talk About Careers" will take place in English via Zoom. You will receive the Zoom Link with your registration confirmation email. 

