Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA)
MSCA is a European Mobility, Training and Career Development Program. It is based on "Bottom-up" topics and on transnational and transsectoral mobility. It is open to all nationalities. The aim is to acquire skills and abilities in the field of research and innovation.
Main Funding Schemes:
Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
PhD positions are advertised in relevant places within the frame of newly acquired and ongoing projects (examples include EURAXESS).
Individual Fellowships (IF) IFs enable in-depth individual training of experienced scientists through transnational and transsectoral mobility.
Funding Schemes:
Research and Innovation Staff Exchange These are personnel exchange programs. The goal is to achieve innovation through mutual knowledge transfer. Open calls and access to online submission
Further links:
Marie Skłodowska Curie-Actions