
Sub-project D02: In planta analysis of a plasma membrane-associated brassinosteroid response pathway

Principle Investigator

Prof. Dr. Klaus Harter

Universität Tübingen

ZMBP, Pflanzenphysiologie

Auf der Morgenstelle 1, 72076 Tübingen

Tel 07071 – 29 72605

Fax 07071 – 29 3287

klaus.harterspam prevention@zmbp.uni-tuebingen.de

PD Dr. Frank Schleifenbaum

Universität Tübingen

IPTC, Biophysikalische Chemie

Auf der Morgenstelle 18, 72076 Tübingen

Tel 07071 – 29 76222

FAX 07071 – 29 5490

frank.schleifenbaumspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Prof. Dr. Ursula Kummer

Universität Heidelberg

COS, Bioquant

INF 267, 69120 Heidelberg

Tel 06221-54-51278

Fax 06221-54-51483

ursula.kummerspam prevention@bioquant.uni-heidelberg.de


The hormone-induced and gene expression-independent cell wall expansion and cell elongation growth is initiated by the activation of the P-type H+-ATPases of the plasma membrane. In the project D02 we would like to study, how in coaction with which cofactors and by which post-translational modification the plasma membrane-intrinsic brassinoide receptor BRI1 is able to trigger the P-type H+-ATPases with respect to cell wall expansion and elongation growth. Furthermore, we would like to mathematically model this signaling process to obtain information about its regulatory crucial steps and dynamics. In addition, we would like to establish and to improve super-resolution microscopy (STED, PALM/STORM) in combination with spectroscopy (Nano-FRET) for the detection and analysis of BRI1-containing protein complexes in the plasma membrane.

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