The Tübingen - Virtual Intercultural Program (TÜ-VIP) includes various courses on topics such as German language, culture, politics and society as well as intercultural communication.
You can choose up to two courses plus the Buddy Program. German Language Courses are only open to students who are currently NOT enrolled at the University of Tübingen.
Participation in the courses is free of charge.
More information on the courses and detailed syllabi can be found by clicking on each course below.
Syllabus (printable PDF)
Learn German and get a (virtual) impression of the inviting atmosphere of Tübingen! This course will cover all aspects of German needed for conversations and communication routines in everyday life. Lessons are lively and communicative, connecting intense language training with general knowledge of Germany and Tübingen.
Classes are available on different levels:
Absolute Beginners (A1.1): for students with no prior knowledge of German, no placement test required
Elementary German I (European Framework of reference: A1.2): for beginners with some previous knowledge (A1.1 completed/about 60 hours of German). Take placement test A1.
Elementary German II (European Framework of reference: A2): for advanced beginners (A1 finished/minimum 120 hours of German). Take placement test A2.
Depending on your language level, you will…
Distance learning. Courses run for 3 academic hours each (1 h = 45 minutes).
Classes will be taught via Zoom (90 minutes/week) and the Tübingen’s Content Management System (Moodle) (45 minutes/week).
2 hours/week on Zoom + 1 hour/week on learning platform
Placement test at registration is mandatory (this does not apply to absolute beginners).
Coursework in order to get ECTS Credits: Weekly assignments, quizzes.
Minimum 15 per course
Courses take place Tuesdays at 9.00 am or 5.00 pm (German time)
First lesson on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 9.00 am or 5.00 pm (German time)
Please note: If you want to attend one of our German beginner classes (only open to students who are currently NOT enrolled at the University of Tübingen) and already have some knowledge of German please take one of the following online tests: : take this one, if you are a beginner with some previous knowledge (A1.1 completed/about 60 hours of German) : take this one, if you are an advanced beginner (A1 finished/minimum 120 hours of German)
Please choose the appropriate test! Take the test until you feel that it is becoming too difficult. Then click on the button "einreichen" for the results.
Here is a powerpoint presentation with step-by.step instructions on how to complete the test, should you need it:
PPT Explanation Placement Test
You will be asked for an email address to send the results to - please send this test to Your registration for a German language class will only be valid with this official test result!
This does NOT apply if you do NOT have any prior knowledge of German.
Syllabus (printable PDF)
Learn German and get a (virtual) impression of the inviting atmosphere of Tübingen! This course will cover all aspects of German needed for conversations and communication routines in everyday life. Lessons are lively and communicative, connecting intense language training with general knowledge of Germany and Tübingen.
Level of this class: Intermediate German (European Framework of Reference B1)
Depending on your language level, you will⋯
- learn to communicate in the German Language
- develop your communivative skills on a variety of topics
- develop reading and writing
Distance learning. Courses run for 3 academic hours each (1 h = 45 minutes).
Courses will be taught via ZOOM (90 minutes/week) and Tübingen's Content Management System (Moodle) (45 minutes/week).
2 hours/week on Zoom + 1 hour/week on learning platform
Intermediate language level (= B1). Placement test at registration is mandatory.
Coursework in order to get ECTS Credits: Weekly assignments, quizzes.
Minimum 15 per course
Course takes place Tuesdays at 5.00 pm (German time)
First lesson on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, at 5.00 pm (German time)
Please note: If you want to attend our German intermediate class (only open to students who are currently NOT enrolled at the University of Tübingen), please take the following online test:
Take the test until you feel that it is becoming too difficult. Then click on the button "einreichen" for the results.
You will be asked for an email address to send the results to - please send this test to Your registration for a German language class will only be valid with this official test result!
This does NOT apply if you do NOT have any prior knowledge of German.
Here is a powerpoint presentation with step-by-step instructions on how to complete the test, should you need it:
Syllabus (printable PDF)
This course will cover all aspects of Kiswahili needed for conversations and communication routines needed in everyday life. Lessons are lively and communicative connecting intense language training with general knowledge of Kiswahili and East Africa.
Level of this class:
Elementary Kiswahili I (European Framework of reference: A1)
In this course, you will:
- Learn to communicate in the Kiswahili Language;
- Develop your communicative skills in a variety of topics;
- Develop reading and writing skills.
Distance Learning. The course runs for 3 academic hours (1h = 45 minutes) and will be taught via ZOOM (90minutes/week) and Tübingen's Content Management System (Moodle) (45 minutes/week).
2 hours/week on Zoom + 1 hour/week on learning platform
Anyone who is interested in learning Kiswahili can participate in this course as it is for beginners.
Regular attendance (students may only be absent twice!); 3 graded assignments, including at least one oral grade.
Kiswahili and English
Minimum 15/class
Dr. Wallace Mlaga
Courses take place Wednesdays at 6.30 pm (German Time)
First lesson on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 6.30 pm (German Time)
Syllabus (printable PDF)
This course will cover all aspects of Wolof needed for conversations and communication routines in everyday life. Lessons are lively and communicative connecting intense language training with general knowledge of Wolof and West Africa.
Level of this class:
Elementary Wolof I (European Framework of reference: A1)
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Communicate in the Wolof language;
- Show your communicative skills in a variety of topics such as: greetings, directions, restaurant, conversations about health, cultural notes, etc.
Distance Learning. The course runs for 3 academic hours (1h = 45 minutes) and will be taught via ZOOM (90minutes/week) and Tübingen's Content Management System (Moodle) (45 minutes/week).
2 hours/week on Zoom + 1 hour/week on learning platform
Anyone who is interested in learning Wolof can participate in this course as it is for beginners.
Regular attendance (students may only be absent twice!); 3 graded assignments, including at least one oral grade.
Wolof; English for instructions in the first few weeks.
Minimum 15/class
Seydou Dieye
Courses take place Wednesdays at 5.00 pm (German Time)
First lesson on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 5.00 pm (German Time)
Syllabus (printable PDF)
In this online course you will start with an introduction into intercultural topics, review necessary conversation management devices on B1/B2 level and then embark on a journey of self-guided discussions in small groups of 2 (tandem) or 3 (tridem) students from different countries and cultural backgrounds. You will be provided with suggested talking points for discussion for each meeting as well as multimedia and other resources. At the end of the course, you will work in small groups to present aspects of your cultures and universities. Course materials will be provided except for independent research which is an integral part of the course.
By the end of the course you will:
The course will take place online via Zoom and the Moodle Learning Platform. All course materials will be developed and distributed by your instructor.
3 hours/week on Zoom
B1 or B2 certificate (ENG) or online test of English proficiency 55 points or higher or equivalent
Coursework in order to get credits: 10% active participation, 40% weekly homework assignments, 50% presentation in tandems/tridems.
Minimum 20
Marc Strain
Course takes place Thursdays at 5.00 pm (German Time)
First lesson on Thursday, October 12, 2023, at 5.00 pm (German Time)
Please note: If you want to attend one of our English Language Classes please take the following online test:
If the test doesn't upload automatically, please click on the button "continue" or email us:
Before you open the test, please read the instructions on this homepage:
Your test result will be automatically sent to us. Your registration for an English Language Class is only valid with an official test result.
Syllabus (printable PDF)
This course is designed as a hands-on intercultural English course. You will meet in virtual teams inside and outside class to exchange ideas on issues of global importance. While practicing academic and intercultural communication skills, the teams will discuss topics such as: Media Influence, Diversity, Sustainability, Immigration, Equal Opportunity. In class, these topics will be presented and explored in prepared and spontaneous discussions. In addition you will write reflections and essays.
Improve your intercultural understanding and academic English, explore topics of global importance, get to know people from around the world (native speakers of English and proficient non-native speakers).
Tridem discussion sessions (outside class), panel discussions, presentations, independent research, written reflections.
3 hours/week on Zoom
Prerequisite: Online test of English proficiency min. 85 points or equivalent or native speaker.
Regular attendance, reading and writing assignments (essay, minutes, reflections), preparation for discussions and presentation (incl. research).
Minimum 20
Scott Stelle
Course takes place Thursdays at 5.15 pm (German Time)
First lesson on Thursday, October 12, 2023, at 5.15 pm (German Time)
Please note: If you want to attend one of our English Language Classes please take the following online test:
If the test doesn't upload automatically, please click on the button "continue" or email us:
Before you open the test, please read the instructions on this homepage:
Your test result will be automatically sent to us. Your registration for an English Language Class is only valid with an official test result.
Syllabus (printable PDF)
The course Germany - NOW! takes you on a tour of Germany: people, places, politics, popular culture. What is the German nation debating? You will discover that some debates are shared in your home countries whereas others seem to get more attention in Germany. Using different media we will explore (in self-study, group discussions and the plenary forum) the historical, geopolitical, and cultural reasons for this. Some key words: Post- Merkel Germany, the new extreme right, a global player, regional vs. federal, the green city Tübingen (its current elections for mayor). Key is a willingness to contribute to the globally-dispersed debate so that from our different cultural perspectives we learn not only about Germany. So, please also feel free to state your interests. I will try to accomodate all topics. There will be readings, images, and clips to analyze. The course language is English, but you will learn German words like “Ostalgie” (the nostalgia for socialist Eastern Germany), Öko-Diktatur (dictatorship of the ecologically minded), and others.
By the end of the course you will
- Distance learning.
- 3 academic hours/week (1 h = 45 minutes).
- Courses will be taught via ZOOM (90 min) and Moodle (45 min)
2 hours/week on Zoom + 1 hour/week on learning platform
Course requirement is a good command of English (B1 and higher) enabling you not only to listen to but also to actively participate in discussions, to do the required reading and take part in group activities.
Coursework in order to get ECTS credits: A) regular and active participation in the Zoom sessions; B) weekly assignments; C) quizzes and/or presentations.
Minimum 20
Dr. Karen Diehl
Courses take place Mondays at 5.00 pm (German time)
First lesson on Monday, October 9, 2023, at 5.00 pm (German time)
Syllabus (printable PDF)
Renegade Catholic theologian Hans Küng (1929-2021) engaged in pioneering work in intercultural dialogue at the University of Tübingen. Küng's book 'Projekt Weltethos' (1990) launched a series of initiatives at the Parliament of the World's Religions, the United Nations and beyond over the following three decades. In 2012, the University of Tübingen launched a 'Weltethos Institut' with the aim of furthering Küng's legacy. One of Küng's international allies, the Confucian philosopher Tu Weiming, was also invited to deliver the opening address at the University of Tübingen's new China Centre in 2016. In this course we compare Tu's idea of 'Spiritual Humanism' with Küng's 'Weltethos' approach to 21st-century cultural globalisation.
By the end of the course, students should have received a broad introduction to the work of Hans Küng and Tu Weiming. They should be able to explain the main similarities and differences between Küng's 'Weltethos' and Tu's 'Spiritual Humanism'.
Reading-based discussions
2 hours/week on Zoom + 1 hour/week on learning platform
English language competence and a general interest in (and willingness to discuss) philosophical, theological and intercultural issues. Knowledge of German and/or Chinese useful but not essential.
Short weekly oral presentations, final essay.
Minimum 20
Dr. Jonathan Keir
Course takes place Thursdays at 8.00pm (German Time)
First lesson on Thursday, October 12, 2023, at 8.00 pm (German Time)
Syllabus (printable PDF)
The course provides students with a unique opportunity to develop a global diversity perspective in communication and dialogue. Students will explore their own identity and positionality in the world in a way that allows them to develop empathetic skills that are critical to developing a more secure, healthy, and just world. Utilizing the skills of appreciative inquiry, appreciative curiosity and a variety of dialogic techniques, students will be able to engage in some of the world’s most compelling issues: immigration, poverty and development, extremism, xenophobia/racism, sexism, religious, cultural, and political divisions.
Students will:
1) build foundational knowledge of critical issues; integrate that knowledge through readings and deep reflection;
2) develop own guidelines for engagement to develop a deep connection to one another via facilitated dialogue centered on appreciative inquiry and curiosity;
3) communicate across diverse communities, increase global awareness.
International Virtual Exchange. Student-driven and project-based. Courses will be taught via ZOOM (90 min/week) and MOODLE (content management system of Tübingen University) (45 min/week).
2 hours/week on Zoom + 1 hour/week on learning platform
Advanced knowledge of English
Based on response paper, research presentation, research paper
Minimum 20
Dr. Philipp Kneis & Dr. Allison Davis-White Eyes (Oregon State University)
Courses take place Fridays at 7 pm (German time)
First lesson on Friday, October 13, 2023, at 7 pm (German time)
Syllabus (printable PDF)
"Without interferences and regardless of frontiers": What are the limits of freedom of expression? How is it being endangered today in Europe? This course focuses on the importance of freedom of expression as a basic human right and as a core value of democratic societies in today's Europe. After a general introduction to human rights and the European human rights protection system, the students will be confronted with authentic cases of violation of freedom of expression and will discuss the problems occurring when trying to limit it.
The aim of the course is to provide an informed understanding of the importance of freedom of expression in contemporary Europe. Students will become familiar with the theoretical and practical approaches to the basic human right of freedom of expression and its implementation.
Distance learning.
Courses will be taught via ZOOM (135 min/week) and Moodle content.
3 hours/week on Zoom
The course does not require any previous knowledge and is aimed at students interested in human rights theory and implementation. A good command of English (B2 CEFR) is required.
Weekly assignments and a final presentation are required to get credit points and grades.
Minimum 20
Dr. Germana Favognano
Courses take place Tuesdays at 6.30 pm German time)
First lesson on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, at 6.30 pm (German time)
Syllabus (printable PDF)
The course will discuss concepts of identity, nationalism and sovereignty in Europe. We will analyze historical backgrounds and developments, as well as various theoretical approaches towards identity. Our conversations will be put within a global context.
We will read a selection of authors such as Benedict Anderson, Erik Hobsbawm, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Stephanie Bergbauer, Jeffrey T. Checkel and Peter J. Katzenstein and others.
International Virtual Exchange. Student-driven and project-based.
Courses will be taught via ZOOM (90 min/week) and MOODLE (content management system of Tübingen University) (45 min/week).
2 hours/week on Zoom + 1 hour/week on learning platform
Advanced knowledge of English
Based on response paper, research presentation, research paper
Minimum 20
Dr. Philipp Kneis (Oregon State University), Jan Battke, MA (University of Tübingen)
Courses take place Thursdays at 5.30 pm (German time)
First lesson on Thursday, October 12, 2023, at 5.30 pm (German time)
The TÜ-VIP digital Buddy Program is unique in every sense!
From February to April and from October to December, TÜ-VIP offers a digital buddy program to all exchange students.
Syllabus (printable PDF)
Studying at a foreign university is very exciting – even more so if studying takes place virtually. To support you during your digital experience at the University of Tübingen and to promote an intercultural exchange we have set up a Buddy program. During the Buddy program, a student of the University of Tübingen teams up with a participant of TÜ-VIP. The Buddy Program aims to initiate a cultural exchange between international students and students of the University of Tübingen in order to expand one’s own cultural horizon and strengthen one's intercultural skills and competences. The Buddy Program will allow you to get to know German student life first-hand and to make friends.
By the end of the course you will:
Common ('Stammtisch' every 2 weeks, 90 minutes) and individual (between the Buddies without ‘instruction’) Zoom sessions
3 hours/week on Zoom (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The course does not require any previous knowledge and is aimed at students interested in intercultural communication. A good command of English is necessary.
ONLY students enrolled at the University of Tübingen can obtain ECTS (for participating in the 'Stammtische' (at least 3x) and for filling in the Buddy protocol and reflection portfolio). ECTS points can be accrued for the "Global Awareness" certificate.
Minimum 20
Online Stammtisch will take place Mondays at 6.30 pm (German Time) every second week.
First session on Monday, October 16, 2023, at 6.30 pm (German Time)
Please note: If you want to participate in the Digital Buddy Program please fill in the following form:
Please complete the form at the latest by SEPTEMBER 10, 2023! Your registration for the Buddy Program will not be considered without your complete application form which has to be submitted to us by this deadline!
Syllabus (printable PDF)
The Tandem Program is a program where two people with different mother tongues form a language partnership or tandem and who meet regularly via Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp or Line Call, etc. to learn each other's languages. At the same time you can get to know each other's culture better. Language learning in a tandem can, for example, complement a language course, but it can also take place independently. The Tandem Program can be a chance to get to know someone from Tübingen online before heading to Germany.
Find more information about the Tandem Program here:
You can sign up for the program here:
Please be aware that all course times are indicated as "German time" - thus, the local Tübingen time.
To find a "translation" to your local time please use a time calculator such as this one.
In case of doubts please check the time again with your teachers.
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