
Become a Buddy in the  Tübingen International and European Studies (T-IES) Program!

You get the chance:

  • To meet students from different countries and cultures
  • To develop intercultural competence and practice foreign language skills
  • To explore Tübingen and Europe from a different angle
  • To find friends for life and build an international network
  • Gain ECTS as part of the Transdisciplinary Course Program & Career Service (TRACS)

What is the T-IES Program and what is a Buddy?

Within the T-IES Program, students from all over the world can explore Tübingen, Germany, and Europe. The four-week programs encompass courses about Europe and the EU, exciting excursions, as well as intercultural activities.

To support the international participants during their stay in Tübingen and to promote an intercultural exchange we have set up a Buddy Program in which a student of the University of Tübingen teams up with (a) T-IES participant(s): you support your international Buddy(s) upon arrival, with planning common free-time activities, or to get a glimpse into Tübingen student life.

Next to unique experiences and wonderful memories, our Buddies can obtain 2 ECTS (for participating in the Intercultural Training and all program activities and for submitting a reflection portfolio). ECTS points can be accrued for the certificate "Global Awareness" in accordance with the regulations of the Transdisciplinary Course Program & Career Service (TRACS).

What are tasks of a Buddy?

Your tasks as a Buddy comprise:

  • Support of (an) international T-IES participant(s) (i.e. company on the arrival day, orientation in Tübingen and in the accommodation, showing ways to University buildings, planning common free-time activities)
  • Participation in program activities such as the Welcome- and Graduation reception
  • Participation in a photo contest and contributions to T-IES on Instagram
  • Reflection about the experiences via a short evaluation

Next to the participation in the obligatory events the Buddy teams should regularly meet (ca. twice a week). It is up to you and your buddy(s) when and how often you meet and what you do. You can plan any free-time activities (have lunch together, gaming evenings, cook together, take trips to places nearby etc.), support each other with learning languages or talk about the topics addressed in class. In addition, the activities organized by the T-IES program offer opportunities to meet and make common experiences.

To prepare you properly for your tasks you will participate in a two-day intercultural workshop. The goals of the workshop are:

  • Getting introduced to approaches and concepts of the description of cultures
  • Reflect upon and precise the own awareness
  • Learn and apply strategies for the handling of experiences of foreignness
  • Prepare for the role and tasks as a Buddy

Who can become a Buddy and how can I apply?

All students of the University of Tübingen can become a Buddy. Prerequisites are:

  • good command of English AND German
  • good knowledge of the town and university of Tübingen

You can apply for the buddy program of the T-IES Winter School (January 07 - February 04, 2025) mid-October 2024.

If you should have any questions you can write us an email or call us:

tiesspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

07071 – 29 72504 (Martina Gebhard)

What happens after the application?

After submitting your application form you will see an automatic confirmation. Please also send us your CV. Without your CV we cannot match you with an international student.

About one week after the official application deadline, you will be informed whether you can participate in the program or not. One criterion for selection is your availability during the whole time of the program. We will match Buddy teams according to fields of study, language skills and interests.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Your T-IES Team