


Business and Economics in Tuebingen top notch

Top grades for the School of Business and Economics in the latest German Ranking - Apply now!

The business administration students at the University of Tübingen consider the study organization and the range of courses offered by their school as excellent. The current CHE university ranking, which will be published in the new ZEIT study guide 2023/24 assessed this. Tübingen is also ranking among the top Universities according to the following criteria: "graduation within a reasonable time", "Support at the beginning of studies" and "support for studying abroad".

We have now also been ranked among the top schools with respect to "Library Facilities". With the reopening of the School's library at Mohlstraße 36, the School will further enhance its efforts in this area. The new library offers students a state-of-the-art learning space with numerous student workstations, allowing students to meet each other and with faculty.

In Economics, Tübingen is ranked among the top schools according to the following criteria: study organization, the degrees reached within an appropriate time, as well as to the category support at the beginning of their studies. Importantly, the professors of economics are also in the top group as far as publications are concerned.

The Dean of Studies in the School of Business and Economics, Prof. Dr. Manfred Stadler, is delighted: "We are pleased that we have been receiving such excellent ratings for years. This reflects our permanent efforts to ensure excellent study conditions for our students, also and especially in such crucial areas as the opportunities to study abroad."

The results of the university ranking of the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) will be published on May 9, 2023 in the new ZEIT Studienführer (study guide) 2023/24. One third of the subjects are re-evaluated every year. The detailed results are available at www.zeit.de/studienfuehrer and at heystudium.de/ranking.

Application is now open for the B.Sc. programs until July 15!

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