


Digitalization in the Global South - TATuP 2/2019

Great hopes are pinned on the increasing digitalization on the African continent as ICT should lead to democratization, equality, and growing opportunities on the world markets. However, unequal power relations, neocolonialism, (digital) illiteracy are, as elsewhere in the Global South, downsides of technological progress.

Great hopes are pinned on the increasing digitalization on the African continent as ICT should lead to democratization, equality, and growing opportunities on the world markets. However, unequal power relations, neocolonialism, (digital) illiteracy are, as elsewhere in the Global South, downsides of technological progress. The authors of the special topic “Digitalization in the Global South” illuminate these aspects through interdisciplinary approaches and contribute to TA of digitalization in the global context. Guest editors are Jessica Heesen, Laura Schelenz, Kerstin Schopp, and Maria Pawelec (International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities, University of Tübingen).


In the TATuP interview Klaus Töpfer, the former Federal Minister for the Environment and current co-chair of the National Support Body for the selection of a repository site for high-level radioactive waste, comments about global environmental policy.

Also in the summer issue of TATuP: two research papers on assistive technology in health care, a plea for developing the openTA portal into an international platform, as well as reviews, conference reports, and news from the community.

Full issue (PDF/HTML) – language button on the right
