
Katharina Geißler



Universität Tübingen
SFB 1391 „Andere Ästhetik“
Keplerstr. 17
D-72074 Tübingen

Room 21
katharina.geisslerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de



short CV


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im SFB 1391 "Andere Ästhetik" an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen


Abschluss des Masterstudiums an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Literatur- und Kulturtheorie)


Abschluss des Bachelorstudiums an der Universität Wien (Philosophie)


  • Erasmus-Stipendium (Aufenthalt an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen) 


research project

„Er allein war’s, der König!” (engl. “It was him alone, the king!”) – Eulogies of Monarchs in Saxony and Prussia for Celebrating Life and Death. On the Pragma-aesthetics of Epideictic Speech in the 18th Century

The aim of the thesis is to analyze the aesthetics of eulogy in the 18th century. Alongside forensic speech and deliberative speech, epideictic speech represents the third type of rhetoric category in rhetorical genre theory, which was created in ancient Greece.

Rhetorical theory traditionally attached great importance to deliberative and forensic speech, but less significance to epideictic speech. In the early modern period though, epideictic speech in theory and verbal practice became increasingly important in comparison to the other types of speech. During the 18th century, however, the discipline of rhetoric was marginalized and suppressed, which also had an effect on epideictic speech.

Due to the lack of research on the rhetorical practice of epideictic speech in the 18th century, the thesis makes a major contribution to this field. Epideictic speech will be analyzed with regard to two different dimensions: topical and textual mechanisms on the one hand and social pragmatism on the other hand. The premise of the thesis is that these two dimensions interact within a special dynamic which can be captured as the pragma-aesthetics of early modern epideictic speech.


Über das Verschwinden einer amplifizierenden Materialität: Die Ästhetik frühneuzeitlicher Typographie am Beispiel preußischer Herrscherlobreden des frühen und späten 18. Jahrhunderts, in: Jan Stellmann / Daniela Wagner (Hgg.): Materialität und Medialität. Aspekte einer anderen Ästhetik in der Vormoderne, Berlin / Boston 2023 (Andere Ästhetik. Koordinaten 5). [im Druck]